A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Charming Chinese cultural show enchants Bangladesh audiences

People of all ages and different nationalities thronged the theater of the National Film and Performing Art Academy in Bangladesh's capital city Dhaka to enjoy the unique presentation of China's inner Mongolian traditional cultural show on Monday night. Chinese inner Mongolian artists, wearing traditional colorful attire decorated with flowers and embellished with stones, showed their charming performances which the reviewers termed as "fabulous."


Strategic Communications: The Debate Continues

While [Gen. McChrystal] acknowledges that strategic communications "makes a vital contribution to the overall effort, and more specifically, to the operational center of gravity: the continued support of the Afghan population," he is careful to note that "to win the battle of perceptions we must demonstrably change behavior and actions on the ground -- our policies and actions must reflect this reality." In other words, strategic communications alone is not sufficient for success in Afghanistan. What the U.S. and the Afghan government actually do counts just as much, if not more.


Brand Ghana office to aim at economic and social development

The Brand Ghana office intends to lead the drive for economic and social development to move Ghana forward. The CEO of the newly created Brand Ghana office says to achieve that, the office will soon hold a national summit to establish a Ghana brand plan to determine how to build a brand for the country.


NATO head tells Obama allies will stay in Afghanistan

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen assured U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday the alliance would remain in Afghanistan as long as it took to finish its mission. "Our operation in Afghanistan is not America's responsibility or burden alone: it is and it will remain a team effort."


Facing Iran with Obama

Israel should support Obama and give him the chance to exhaust the move combining dialogue with the threat of sanctions. This is not the time for Jerusalem to threaten and badger. The Iranian threat is not only Israel's problem, it's that of the entire international community. It's best for Israel if the issue is dealt with on an international level.


French Atomic Pique

President Sarkozy in particular pushed hard. He had been "frustrated" for months about Mr. Obama's reluctance to confront Iran..."I support America's 'extended hand.' But what have these proposals for dialogue produced for the international community? Nothing but more enriched uranium and more centrifuges.


Liberia Converting Old Rubber Trees to Electricity

Work begins this month on a new, environmentally-friendly power plant in Liberia that will use old rubber trees to generate electricity. It is part of a plan to make Liberia the world's first sustainable biomass-driven economy.


The Country Russia Loves to Hate

In his Moscow speech in July, Obama extended the hand of friendship to Russia, declaring that the United States "needs a powerful, peaceful and prosperous Russia" and called Moscow to a "global partnership"...But if Obama had only extended his hand in friendship directly to the Russian people, he probably would have gotten a firm "nyet" in response. This is because most Russians look at the United States as an enemy.



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