A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Korea ‘to Gain Over $500 Million from G20 Summit’

If the G20 is a success, it will boost the convention and tourism industry as well as national image, encouraging more foreign investment and spurring overseas exports. Because of this, experts speculate that the G20 summit will also generate more jobs than the APEC meet, which helped create about 10,000 jobs.


An exchange to remember: German students pay visit to Gloucester

Gloucester High School students spent the last two weeks hosting a group of 10 exchange students from Bad Camberg, Germany. Gloucester students will be traveling to Germany to visit their new friends in April. The exchange is organized by German teacher Colleen Moceri of Gloucester High School and English teacher Patricia Schrader of Taunusschule in Bad Camberg.


Caspian Basin: Pentagon Web Initiative Sparks Debate On Best Methods For Winning Hearts And Minds

A US Defense Department Internet initiative is stoking a debate among experts about whether the Pentagon is overreaching. The $10.1 million Trans Regional Web Initiative aims to launch a series of language-specific websites, including Russian, Chinese, Farsi, Georgian, Armenian and Azeri.


Guerrilla Diplomacy: Rethinking International Relations

Guerrilla Diplomacy promises much. Its basic premise is that the changed conditions of the world need to be met by fundamental changes in our understanding of diplomacy, in the work of the foreign ministry, and in our expectations of the diplomatic service.


American willingness to engage

The Slovak Spectator spoke to the Charge d’Affaires of the US Embassy in Bratislava not only about press freedom but also about the recently announced change in the US missile defence plans, foreign aid and its outcomes, visa-free travel, and the widely discussed fee for US-bound travellers that the US is pondering.


MDC-T trying to re-write history

The art of public diplomacy goes back a long way, as the old expression "a wolf in sheep's clothing" shows us. Disguise something bad or give it a cuddly name and by the time people find out it has fangs, it may be too late.


Kimchi in Spanish dictionary not far away

While the local government is discussing how to implement the branding of Korean words into the global arena, others have already started. "Hopefully one day we will see bulgogi and kimchi in the Spanish dictionary," semi-joked Hankuk University of Foreign Studies president Park Chul.


Thriving sports diplomacy

The success of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup enhanced the national pride of the Korean people, unified their spirit, opened up Korea to the world by inviting an enormous host of athletes regardless of their countries’ ideology and system, and thereby dissipated the possibility of untimely provocations from North Korea.



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