A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Nigeria, US forms Partnership Drive

Inline with the vision of the Director-General of the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), and Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation; Nigeria and United States of America (USA) have commenced efforts aimed at promoting sports tourism in the country.


US Embassy in Warsaw cites Polish criticism of Obama’s missile shield decision

In what may be a deliberate US public diplomacy effort to repair the public relations damage in Poland, a news item on the embassy website, posted in both English and Polish, acknowledged that "the timing of Obama's announcement upset Poland and Polish Americans because it came on Sept. 17, the 70th anniversary of the Russian invasion of Poland at the beginning of World War II."


GNP lawmaker named KOICA honorary envoy

Rep. Hong Jung-Wook of the ruling Grand National Party was appointed as an honorary public diplomacy envoy for the Korea International Cooperation Agency yesterday. Hong, 39, a first-term Harvard-educated legislator, will take part in stressing the necessity and importance of grant-type aid projects with the state-run agency that aims to enhance global ties.


U.S. remains top choice for overseas study

When asked what is their ideal destination for overseas study, Taiwanese students will most likely answer the United States. "The greatest variety of programs, types of schools and a very open academic system that allows students to think, explore and experiment are what stands out in U.S. education," said Scott Robinson, director of American Cultural Center.


How to Press the Advantage With Iran

Because President Obama assembled a national security team that, for the most part, did not share his early vision for American-Iranian rapprochement, his administration never built a strong public case for engagement. The prospect of engagement is still treated largely as a channel for “rewarding” positive Iranian actions and “punishing” problematic behavior — precisely what Mr. Obama, as a presidential candidate, criticized so eloquently about President George W. Bush’s approach.


Boom Box U.S.A.

In the Obama administration, soft power is coming of age. Today, U.S. military officials and diplomats talk of a "political surge" to match the military surge in Afghanistan. Many in the Pentagon now say that R.B.s ("relationships built") are just as important as body counts of enemy dead in achieving victory. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has called for the greater application of soft power, including more money for development and reconstruction aid and strategic communications.


An Era of Renewed Multilateralism

UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-Moon: From confronting climate change to creating a world without nuclear weapons to building a more equitable and sustainable global economy, I saw a spirit of renewed multilateralism, with the UN at the fore. No country can deal with any of these challenges by itself. But as nations united, the United Nations can.


Olympics: Obama vs. Lula? Chicago vs. Rio? Which would you choose?

"It's not fair that Brazil not be chosen," Lula said recently in one of many such appeals to delegates. "For the others it is just one more Olympics, for us it is a chance to show our self-esteem, to show our competence, and to show that we can do it better than them." "The United States with summer and winter Olympics has held eight. Barcelona has had it. Tokyo has had it. And South America, Latin America has only had one Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968," the Brazilian president said.



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