A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Pomp and pageantry arrive in capital

The capital [Abu Dhabi] today received its first taste of the pomp and pageantry of the British Household Cavalry's musical ride ahead of their appearance tomorrow. The full display of British tradition and equestrianism will be seen for the first time in the Middle East when horsemen from the Household Cavalry performs the musical ride, its display of equestrian skill, at the Abu Dhabi Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition.


The Admiral’s Critique: “Getting Back to Basics” in Strategic Communication

It was something of a surprise, then, to see the Admiral's observations bludgeoned shortly thereafter in a "guest post" on Matt Armstrong's influential blog, mountainrunner.us. A Marine Corps information officer, who insisted his comments were his own, dismissed Mullen's Joint Force Quarterly piece as a reflection of bureaucratic tribalism -- an attack by the Chairman's ostensibly misguided aides, adherents of a traditional "public affairs" emphasis at the Pentagon rather than a more forward-leaning "strategic communication" approach.


How much do I dislike the Leveretts’ op-ed today? Let me count the ways…..

You know how so many in the blogosphere bitch and moan about the ability of neoconservatives to get their policy proposals published even after screwing up on Iraq? I'm kind of curious how these people feel about Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett's op-ed in the New York Times today about Iran. I mean, this is a scant few months after they served as apologists for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after the controversial June election.


China Salsa Congress 2009 to kick off in Beijing

Co-organized by the Center of International Cultural Exchange (CICE) of the Ministry of Culture and China Salsa Production, the 4th Annual China Salsa Congress will be held at the Kempinski Hotel, at Beijing Lufthansa Center, from October 2 to 5, 2009. The congress event aims at to selecting the best couple or team that best interprets salsa music.


Fall of the Wall: 20 Years Later

The 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wal...allows us to begin looking through the lens of history...The fact that Cold War ended with the relatively bloodless dissolution of the Soviet empire was in part due to the U.S. instruments of power used to engage in the war of ideas, the U.S. Information Agency (USIA), Voice of America, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty which broadcast into the Soviet Union itself.


China a global power at last

But it is on a more local level that China's growing global influence is most deeply felt, and where Beijing is really winning hearts and minds. In Thailand, one of the first countries where China began to exert its new influence, Beijing wields impressive tools of soft power, including training programs for Thai officials, educational exchanges and funding for Thai universities and cultural programs.


Palestinian Diaspora on Film

From living in exile to childhood under occupation, the week-long Toronto Palestine Film Festival, which opened on September 26, will examine several dimensions of Palestinian identity through cinema..."The festival also creates a mechanism to support Palestinian filmmakers and artists who have to undergo tremendous obstacles to produce their works and get them shown around the world," she adds.


Sister cities celebrate special bond

The line to try a little kimchi and Korean barbecue stretched from one end of the Heritage Center to the other, made up of families, students and tourists attending the first Korean Cultural Day. Cedar High School seniors Austie Robinson and Danielle Carrier sat near the theater steps trying their plates of food with cautious interest. "It's a little spicy," Carrier said as she took a bite of Kimchi, which is fermented cabbage.



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