A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turks see no block on EU bid by new German gov’t

After forming a new coalition with a more pro-Ankara ally, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is unlikely to try to block the progress of Ankara's EU bid despite opposing full Turkish membership, Turkish analysts say. Merkel, who has long favored a 'privileged partnership' for predominantly Muslim Turkey that stops short of full EU membership, led her conservative Christian Democrats to win a parliamentary majority on Sunday and has said she will form a coalition with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP).


Chinese film week held in Pyongyang

A Chinese film week celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)was opened on Monday at the Taedong Gate Cinema of Pyongyang. The cultural exchange will deepen the understanding between the two peoples, and give impetus to the traditional China-DPRK friendship, said Liu Xiaoming, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK at the opening ceremony.


Metro Transatlantic Workshop latest in U.S./European bike-cultural exchange

Beginning with a welcome reception at a downtown brewery tomorrow, Metro will host a European delegation as part of their Transatlantic Active Transportation Workshop. The four-day event is just the latest example of bicycle-related knowledge sharing between experts from America and Europe.


Next round of India-Pakistan diplomacy likely in Port of Spain

With the meeting of Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers in New York ending in a stalemate, the next opportunity for the two countries to make another effort to start their stalled dialogue is in Port of Spain, Trinidad, on the sidelines of the Commonwealth summit November-end. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will be participating in the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) meeting in Port of Spain, set for Nov 27-29.


U.S. International Broadcasting: Too Bizarre to be Explained by Political Science

The question in the University of Maryland/Zogby International 2009 Annual Arab Public Opinion Survey is: “When you watch international news, which of the following network's news broadcasts do you watch most often?” Only in countries with exceptionally poor media environments, e.g. Burma and Zimbabwe, is an international broadcaster the "favorite" news source. In most countries, international broadcasting is used by a fraction of the population, and as a supplement to domestic broadcasting.


Twitter, Facebook help Philippines flood survivors flee

Residents are using social networking sites to post escape routes and meeting spots after tropical storm Ketsana dumped a month’s worth of rain in six hours. Hollywood stars like Demi Moore have urged Twitter followers to donate. China has pledged $100,000 for rescue victims, and the United States Embassy in Manila offered $50,000.


Waiting for ‘smart power’

The Obama administration came in with a unique promise to transform America's public diplomacy and global engagement. Obama's personal interventions have been fantastic -- the interviews, the speeches, the key symbolic gestures (such as promising to end torture and close Gitmo). But this makes it all the more baffling that the government as a whole has so often failed to capitalize on the openings these moves have created.


Beirut Francophone Games opens in extravaganza and tight security

The sixth Francophone Games opened here on Sunday with Arabic and Phoenician style performance and intight security. The Games, whose participants are mainly from countries and regions with deep French influence, saw an opening ceremony in Beirut's Camille Chamoun Sports Stadium. Some 3,000 athletes and artists from 42 countries and regions will participate in the 10-day games, which are divided in two parts with sports and cultural events.



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