A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

To Cover World, CBS Joins With a News Site

CBS News plans to announce Monday that it has formed a partnership with GlobalPost, a foreign news Web site, that will provide CBS with reporting from its approximately 70 affiliated correspondents in 50 countries. As many print and broadcast news outlets are struggling to find ways to cover foreign news, the alliance may suggest a blueprint.


Separated families reunite with tears in North Korea

Families separated by the Korean War more than half a decade ago embraced again through tears on Saturday at a tourist site in North Korea. It was the first time they had seen their siblings and children since a heavily fortified border was put up between the two Koreas during the Cold War. Seoul and Pyongyang agreed to resume family reunions after suspending the event for two years due to escalating political tension after South Korea's conservative President Lee Myung-bak took office.


Talking with the Harvard Public Diplomacy Collaborative

The Harvard Collaborative, in contrast [to USC CPD], seems like a specifically applied intervention that involves two related tasks. The first, identified by Doug Wilson (Chairman of the Board of Directors), is to draw together a diverse group of opinion-leaders and what we could loosely call “practitioners” to supplement the efforts of others who are doing the PD work overseas, including those from business, labor, finance, “political thought,” diplomacy, national security, think tanks, and other sources.


Goodwill Games’ Walsh building bridges with new event

One World 2011, a cultural and sports exchange between the U.S. and the world Muslim community, will be held in Seattle for a month starting on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, according to the longtime local promoter.


First Confucious Cultural Award presented in east China’s Shandong

The Qufu International Confucius Cultural Festival opened Sunday in Qufu City, birthplace of the Chinese philosopher, in east China's Shandong Province. More than 3,000 diplomats, UNESCO officials, representatives from Confucius Institutes and Confucius' descendants attended the opening ceremony.


The UN’s Initiative To Promote Inter-Cultural Understanding

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today underscored the vital role the United Nations initiative to promote inter-cultural understanding plays in building trust and reducing tensions in a world facing multiple crises. The Alliance of Civilizations is helping us to get through these troubled times, " he told a ministerial meeting held at UN Headquarters.


Promoting Brunei-Korea Cultural Ties

Bandar Seri Begawan - Nineteen Korean folk dancers and 10 break-dancers are arriving in Brunei this evening from Kota Kinabalu to perform in a 90-minute cultural extravaganza tomorrow in Seria and Bandar Seri Begawan. "The performances are part of the Brunei-Korea cultural exchange programme," said Mr II Park, Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Korean Embassy in Brunei.


Weak Political System Restrains National Power

South Korea is relatively weak in soft power ― the combination of governance, political power, diplomacy, culture and the administrative capability coping with internal and external changes. It's the ability enabling a nation to accomplish its goals. It's not tangible.



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