A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

‘The Right’ to Question Iran

Joseph S. Nye Jr., who pioneered the theory of soft power, says while he doesn't expect any major breakthroughs from the talks, Washington nonetheless has a responsibility to push Iran to come clean. "If [the Iranians] develop nuclear weapons, there's likely to be a chain of proliferation in the Middle East. This may make the prospect of nuclear weapons being used go up by a significant probability," Nye says.


Palestine is winning the legitimacy war

There is a growing sense around the world that the only chance for the Palestinians to achieve some kind of just peace depends on shaping the outcome by way of the symbols of legitimacy, what I have called the Legitimacy War.


Portuguese and Angolans plan meeting on gastronomy

Angolans and Portuguese citizens want to jointly organize a congress on gastronomy, meant to exchange experiences and reinforce co-operation in the sectors of hotels and tourism...This intention was expressed on Wednesday at Beira Litoral locality, in Portugal, by members of an Angolan delegation and Portuguese businesspeople in the wine sector.


SBY outlines nine imperatives to achieve harmony among civilizations

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono outlined nine imperatives to achieve harmony among civilizations in his general lecture titled "Towards Harmony Among Civilizations" at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, here on Tuesday (Sept. 29)...According to Yudhoyono, the first imperative is to make the 21st century an era of "soft power."


The new China can also be an improved China

After 60 years, people may still wonder if and when will the world will see a new and inspiring China - a China that is not just economically big and bad abroad while politically brutal at home, but one that is more altruistic both at home and beyond.


US takes a radical turn on Myanmar

The Barack Obama administration has broken ranks with its recent predecessors in announcing its intention to engage Myanmar's ruling generals while also maintaining economic and financial sanctions against the military regime.


Tharoor holds policy planning meet on Indian Ocean region Read more: http://www.thaindian.com/newsp

Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor revived the policy planning division with a wide-ranging strategy meeting involving top officials, think tanks, industry bodies and experts to craft India’s policy towards the Indian Ocean Rim region...The meeting has activated the policy planning division of the ministry...and displayed a new approach by India's policy makers to shape the global agenda.


Brazil: A New Counterweight to the United States

Brazil may be justifiably annoyed with Chávez, but perhaps it shouldn't look so surprised. In recent years the South American powerhouse has been recognized as the U.S.'s first real counterweight in the western hemisphere — and that means, at least in the minds of other countries in the Americas, taking a larger and more pro-active part in helping solve New World political dysfunction like Honduras'.



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