A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Ponder when apportioning blame

Then he told her: “You should know that we hate all Americans. From the bottom of our souls, we hate you.” Now, who is the “we” to whom the journalist refers? Is it you and me? It is certainly not the 170-odd million who make up this nation. It is certainly not the people who form long queues each day hoping against hope that the Americans will issue them with a visa so that they may fly off to the Promised Land.


Land First, Then Peace

There have been increasing well-intentioned calls for Saudi Arabia to “do a Sadat”: King Abdullah travels to Israel and the Israelis reciprocate by making peace with Saudi Arabia. However, those urging such a move must remember that President Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt went to Israel in 1977 to meet with Prime Minister Menachem Begin only after Sadat’s envoy, Hassan el-Tohamy, Sadat’s envoy, was assured by the Israeli foreign minister, Moshe Dayan, that Israel would withdraw from every last inch of Egyptian territory in return for peace.


The Retreat of the Tongue of the Czars

Czars and Soviet leaders spread Russian in the lands that they conquered, using it as a kind of glue to unite disparate nationalities, a so-called second mother tongue, and connect them to their rulers...For the Kremlin, could there be a more bitter reminder of how history has turned than the sight of young Estonians or Georgians or Uzbeks (not to mention Czechs or Hungarians) flocking to classes in English instead of Russian?


Kenya: UN Ambassador Angelina Jolie visits ‘dire’ camp housing Somali refugees

Visiting the world's largest refugee camp, housing refugees from Somalia, on the Horn of Africa nation's border with Kenya, Academy award-winning actress and Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations refugee agency Angelina Jolie today characterized the site as “one of the most dire” she has ever seen.


Lithuania’s Anniversary celebrated in Malta with JCI Twinning Agreement

In ports where the crew of Gold of Lithuania raise the flag of the Lithuania’s Millennium, the members of the crew present Vilnius and its events, communicate with local communities and exchange business contacts. The yacht’s crew was granted Vilnius Mayor’s distinguishing letters and invitations to establish and develop the relations between the cities.


The Democracy Video Challenge Enhances The Global Dialogue on Democracy

Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale will travel to the United Nations to participate in the launch of the Second Annual Democracy Video Challenge and to highlight the UN's International Day of Democracy on Tuesday, September 15.


U.S. Public Diplomacy & Barack Obama: Change or Continuity?

After many months of headache I finally finished my Master's dissertation this week. Its not perfected but I'm pleased enough with it. It's definitely the most substantial post that I'm ever likely to make.


US power in the 21st century

In today's world, the distribution of power varies with the context. It is distributed in a pattern that resembles a three-dimensional chess game. On the top chessboard, military power is largely unipolar, and the US is likely to remain the only superpower for some time. But on the middle chessboard, economic power has already been multi-polar for more than a decade, with the US, Europe, Japan, and China as the major players, and others gaining in importance.



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