A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Who Will Blink First, Armenia or Turkey?

After months of rampant rumors and news leaks, the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Turkey, with Switzerland as mediator, issued a joint statement on August 31, making public the text of two protocols intended to regulate their problematic relationship.


Groundbreaking Vietnamese art exhibit makes U.S. debut

Most of what Americans know about Vietnam is confined to what we’ve heard or read about U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. So it may come as a surprise that the region has been a conduit for trade goods since at least the first millennium B.C., making it a gold mine for archaeologists.


Protest over Israel roils Toronto Film Festival

Artists and politics always make for a combustible mix, so it's no surprise that the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has suddenly become embroiled in a volatile uproar over whether the festival should be spotlighting Tel Aviv in its new City to City Spotlight program designed to celebrate international film culture. In today's divided universe, anything involving Israel and Middle East politics is bound to provoke a storm of controversy.


LACMA presents a fuller image of Korea

The museum opened its first long-term installation of Korean material in 1999 on the lower level of the Ahmanson building and closed it a couple of years ago, amid an ongoing reorganization of its permanent collection galleries. But something notable is happening now.


Leveraging Web 2.0 to engage the Indian diaspora

Global Indian Network of Knowledge (Global INK) which is a dynamic and interactive web portal for knowledge sharing and collaboration. The objective of Global INK is provide a platform that, “endeavors to turn into "brain gain" what was for long seen as "brain drain", by drawing upon the knowledge reservoir of the India Diaspora in diverse fields.”


Pakistan wants to strengthen ties with China: Zardari

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari Saturday said his country wants to further bolster the existing strong bilateral ties with China and to enhance the strategic economic cooperation between the two countries. Pakistan “attaches high value to its relations with china and takes pride in the success story of China”, Zardari said


Why Foreign Policy Matters - An Indian Perspective

This is the world to which India must learn to adapt. It was Mahatma Gandhi who famously said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” That applies to India too. We seek to redefine our place in a world that has changed from the geopolitical realities of 1945 which shaped the current international system, including the permanent membership of the Security Council. We are today one of the world’s largest economies, a proud player on the global stage with a long record of responsible conduct on international matters.


US Aims to Focus on Nuclear Issue in Iran Talks

On Friday, the United States and other world powers accepted Iran's new offer to hold talks, even though Tehran said it will not negotiate on its nuclear program. Iranian officials say they are pleased the U.S. and other world powers accepted the offer. But Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says Iran will not compromise on its "inalienable right."



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