A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Tech Startup Creates State Dept.-Approved Educational Games for Middle East

The U.S. State Department has contracted a small Virginia-based startup to create mobile phone games to help citizens of nations the U.S. has poor relations with — mostly in the Middle East — learn about America and its values. The strategy is to use the mobile phone as a portal to learn about quintessential American trivia.


“U.S. Sends Wrong Messages to Latin America” Markus Schultze-Kraft in Reuters - The Great Debate

One cannot help being taken aback by the series of wrong messages the U.S. government has been sending to Latin America this summer. Starting with Honduras and followed by Bolivia, and now Colombia, everything seems to indicate that after a promising start President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton are having difficulties defining an effective Latin America policy that does not repeat the mistakes of the previous administration.


Beijing loves IKEA—but not for shopping

Reporting from Beijing - With no plans one Saturday, Zhang Xin told his wife, son and mother to wear something smart and hop into the family sedan. He could have taken them to the Forbidden City or the Great Wall, but he decided on another popular destination -- IKEA.


Sierra Leone Beach Resort is Village’s Ticket to Better Life

Reporting from River No. 2, Sierra Leone - The dawn rose over lushly carpeted mountains and broke gently along the miles of powdery white beach in the village improbably named River No. 2. It was Sunday and, for most of Sierra Leone, a day of rest. But for this community, it was a workday -- the busiest of the week....River No. 2 is an entrepreneurial marvel in one of the world's poorest nations. Its success story began in 1998, in the midst of a decade-long civil war, when the U.S.


Outlook: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy Revolution

David Rothkopf, author and visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, was online Monday, Aug. 24, at 11 a.m. ET to discuss his Outlook article titled "Inside Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Revolution." Hi, this is David Rothkopf. I look forward to your questions on my piece yesterday on Hillary Clinton and on U.S. foreign policy in general.


A Major Indian Artist Offends Hindus, and Galleries Turn Fearful

In the heady celebration of the boom in India's contemporary art market in recent years, an iconic artist has been conspicuous by his absence. Maqbool Fida Husain is hailed by many as India's Picasso, and the 94-year-old artist's paintings are coveted at international auctions, but galleries back home are afraid to show his works. His paintings have drawn the wrath of hard-line Hindus who are incensed that some depict Hindu goddesses in the nude.


Australia’s Terror TV

Australia has a record of success in fighting terrorism—witness the capture earlier this month of 18 terrorists who planned to attack a military base. But Canberra may be forgetting that the long war against violent extremism is a war of ideas as much as a war of arms. The decision last month to allow Hezbollah's al-Manar television station to begin broadcasting down under is a dangerous development for Australia and Indonesia and could reverberate around the world.


Meaningful Talks With Pak Not Possible Till Terror Ends: India

Noting that India is yet to see Pakistan take effective steps to end infiltration and dismantle terror infrastructure, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna on Monday said a “meaningful dialogue” cannot be possible till Islamabad implements its commitments on these counts. Addressing the Indian envoys in New Delhi on Monday, he said India wishes to resolve differences with Pakistan through dialogue and has conveyed its readiness to engage in meaningful discussions and develop bilateral relations in a “positive manner”.



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