A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

NBA Reaches Far and Wide to Build Fan Base

After participating in similar clinics in Korea and Israel in recent years, [La Lakers guard Jordan] Farmar says those experiences reminded of what led him to play basketball when he was a kid. "You can use sports to bridge gaps," Farmar said. "That's big, whether that's in America, Asia or Israel. People can get kids connected together through sports. A country may be at war, but that doesn't mean their people can't high-five each other."


Don’t Be Crude

"Energy independence" has become a byword on the American political scene, and invoking it is now as essential as baby-kissing. All the recent U.S. presidential candidates employed it, and to this day, the White House Web site lists as a guiding principle the need to "curb our dependence on fossil fuels and make America energy independent.


‘Brand Sweden’ Goes Local

Brand Sweden is the sum of all encounters between people around the world and anything Swedish – products, people, culture or actual visits to Sweden. The key to a clear and strong national brand is not only in what message the Swedish institute or the rest of the NSU send out, but what all Swedish regions, product brands, people, etc do and say.


Chinese Advocates Visit Law School On Grant

A $350,000 federal grant from the U.S. State Department will bring 18 young Chinese professionals to the South Royalton campus for a six-week educational and cultural exchange. The visit, according to program director and VLS professor Tseming Yang, will equip Chinese advocates and activists with new tools to fight environmental degradation in their native country.


Uganda: Unesco Convention Will Strengthen Cultural Industry

This [UNESCO] Convention represents a historic achievement because it recognises the distinctive nature of cultural goods and services, and affirms in international law the right of countries to apply policies to support their cultural industries.


Inaugural Doha Tribeca Film Festival in Qatar!

The Doha Tribeca Film Festival will offer an unprecedented opportunity to celebrate cinema, culture, education and community in Qatar. Established and emerging filmmakers, entertainment industry luminaries and the Qatari community will come together in Doha, Qatar's capital, to take part in an exciting cultural exchange of ideas.


US and UK Outreach, Public Diplomacy To Iran Backfire Spectacularly

It is interesting that there are foreign policy experts who ritualistically intone that Iran's paranoia over foreign interference is "unfortunately" justified and foreign policy experts who insist that we have to embrace public diplomacy and those are often the same foreign policy experts.


Digital Diplomacy: Understanding Islam through Virtual Worlds

In February 2008, Rita J. King and Joshua S. Fouts both senior fellows at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs set out on a yearlong quest funded by the Richard Lounsbery Foundation to explore the potential of virtual worlds for cultural dialogue — especially the potential of these spaces to enhance and augment the cultural outreach efforts done by the US State Department.



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