A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Winning Israel back

Before the Obama administration launches its new peace initiative, it must first take a number of corrective measures to create a more positive atmosphere in the region, especially among Israelis. As a proponent of the two-state solution based on 1967 borders, President Obama's envisioned peace agreement between the Arabs and Israelis does not differ much from his predecessors', including the efforts at Camp David and Annapolis.


On Day of Mourning, 2 Koreas Meet in the South

South Korea held a state funeral on Sunday for former President Kim Dae-jung, a persecuted crusader for democracy in South Korea and a frustrated champion for reconciliation with North Korea, whose death brought the two Koreas together in the first major political meeting in nearly two years.


Lieberman: There won’t be a peace deal even in 16 years

On the eve of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's meeting in London with US Middle East envoy George Mitchell, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that 16 years after the Oslo accords there is no comprehensive peace agreement with the Palestinians, and such a deal won't be reached even in 16 more years.


Scotland’s Ramadan Lesson For Obama

By showing compassion for a man who did not deserve it, Scotland has deployed a weapon America does not appear to have in its arsenal, and fired it into the heart of the Muslim world in its holiest month. It will achieve more in the long-run than any number of brutal ‘renditions’ or images of men shackled in orange jumpsuits.


Power Shift: China and Asia’s New Dynamics

I also observe that while China’s hard power is growing quickly, its soft power is increasingly more slowly. Despite a growing convergence between China and ASEAN about security norms and interstate behavior, China seems to have little in the realm of soft power-for example, philosophies or ideologies, popular or high culture, sports, fashion, or role models-to “export” to the rest of the region.


Forget the Great in Britain

Suddenly, the sun that once never set on the British Empire is casting long shadows over what's left of Britain's imperial ambitions, and the country is having to rethink its role in the world — perhaps as Little Britain, certainly as a lesser Britain.


India To Set Up Cultural Centre in Bhutan

Bhutanese can now look forward to learning playing the sitar or the tabla and know more about Indian literature and theatre at their doorsteps, literally. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and the Bhutan government have agreed to open a centre here to "encourage more interest in the cultures of both countries".


Boston University Art Gallery Presents Missionary Photography in Korea

The Boston University Art Gallery opens its season with the largest ever exhibition of Korean missionary photographs in the United States, Missionary Photography in Korea: Encountering the West through Christianity. The exhibition documents the encounter between East and West which occurred in Korea during the late 19th century.



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