A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Global Spin Doctors

We endure, ignore, or fall prey to as many as 20,000 ads a day. That's one ad every three seconds of our waking hours. We wear ads on our shirts, forward commercials via email, sing jingles with our friends, and even brand corporate icons on our bodies. We've developed vaccines to address this particular virus. There's Naomi Klein's No Logo and the cheeky magazine Adbusters. There's Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting's radio program Counterspin andthe ad-stripping features of TiVo. But the virus continues to mutate and spread.


Waiting at Heathrow, the Literary Experience

TRAVELERS passing through London's Heathrow Airport this week may be surprised to encounter, in the middle of its bustling Terminal 5, the writer Alain de Botton, author of popular books including “How Proust Can Change Your Life” and “The Art of Travel,” seated at a desk and tapping away at his laptop computer. His typing appears in real time on a screen behind him, and a placard explains — in what apparently is both a literary and aeronautic first — that Mr. de Botton is serving a one-week appointment as Heathrow’s “writer in residence.”


So What Do You Do, Pete Cashmore, Mashable Founder and CEO?

Pete Cashmore, founder and CEO of Mashable, one of the largest blogs in terms of audience, is not yet 25. Born in Scotland, Cashmore spent some time in the U.S. and now runs Mashable from the U.K. Founding the site was pretty much his first job, as he worked as a Web consultant for a short time beforehand. The site's mission is to be "the social media guide" and cover all things social media.


Stop “Crimes Against Humanity and Geological Scandals”: Give AFRICOM a Chance In Congo

10,000 women are expected to receive assistance in the form of medical care, counseling, economic assistance and legal support. Clinton's uncompromising condemnation of perpetrators of sexual violence has not been thoroughly emphasized or analyzed, but sniping has already begun about AFRICOM's involvement in her initiative.


Rescue, but Not Outrage

Early this morning (Hong Kong time), I was interviewed on CNN International (here’s the video) about the consequences of recent rescues of American citizens sentenced to long prison terms in some of the world’s worst countries—specifically, former president Bill Clinton’s mission to North Korea on August 5 to bring out journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, and Senator Jim Webb’s trip to Burma over the weekend to extract John William Yettaw.


US Committed to Assist Pakistan in All Areas: Judith McHale

US Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Judith A. McHale Tuesday said that her country sees Pakistan as highest foreign policy priority, and will continue to assist it in the journey of progress and stability.Judith McHale presently in Islamabad, was talking to a private television channel in a telephonic interview.


‘It Is Pointless to Talk to Al-Qaida’

Harvard professor Joseph Nye talks to SPIEGEL about America's role in the world, the change of strategy under US President Barack Obama and how his concept of soft power can be used to solve tough conflicts...." Every American president has three options. He can use force -- in other words, hard power -- to assert his interests, he can invest money or he can lead by attraction. The latter I call soft power, the appeal of American cultural values.


Clinton Puts Spotlight On Women’s Issues

She talked chickens with female farmers in Kenya. She listened to the excruciating stories of rape victims in war-torn eastern Congo. And in South Africa, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited a housing project built by poor women, where she danced with a choir singing "Heel-a-ree! Heel-a-ree!"



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