A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

With Iran, Think Before You Speak

If we actually want to empower the Iranian people, we have to understand how our words can be manipulated and used against us to strengthen the clerical establishment, distract Iranians from a failing economy and rally a fiercely independent populace against outside interference.


Mexico to propose San Luis Potosi as UNESCO World Heritage Site

Mexico will propose that silver mines in San Luis Potosi become a World Heritage Site at a UNESCO meeting scheduled for June 22-30 in Spanish city Sevilla. San Luis Potosi forms part of a cultural route linked to Almaden and Idria, mining cities in Spain and Slovenia which supplied the mercury shipped to the America and used to extract silver in the 15th century.


Tear Down This Cyberwall!

The unrest unfolding in Iran is the quintessential 21st-century conflict. On one side are government thugs firing bullets. On the other side are young protesters firing “tweets.”


We Must Allow the People of Iran to Bring About the Change They Want To See

In fact, the Obama administration and the British government should be praised for the restraint they have shown and for not giving the impression of meddling. It is vitally important, as Iranian reformers themselves argue, for western powers to do nothing and to say even less. It is up to the people of Iran, the architects of an indigenous “Green Revolution”, to force reform on their own regime.


Indonesia, China Discuss Improvement of Bilateral Relations

Indonesia and China have discussed efforts to step up their bilateral relations in various sectors. "The two countries have agreed to continue improving bilateral relations which have run better so far," Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry`s Director General for Asia-Pacific and Africa Hamzah Thayeb said here on Thursday.


Re-branding America As A World Destination

So how does America ensure that a majority of the globe maintains a positive impression of it? It enlists the help of the federal government and international business travelers to further diplomacy because, as Miller likes to say, “Travel is diplomacy by another name.”


Once a Twit, Now a Major Player

Yes, Twitter has its restraints, among them its 140-character limit to posts. But as one Twitterer observed in a frequently re-tweeted message: "140 characters is a novel when you're being shot at."


Kremlin Creates Panel to Improve Russia’s Image

The Kremlin has created a high-level commission to overhaul its image on the world stage as the first anniversary of Russia's war with Georgia approaches.



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