A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Iranians Use Internet, Phones to Share Protest News

News agencies are relying heavily on information published by Iranian citizens through social media services, such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. On Friday, Facebook announced it is making its Web site available in Farsi, so Iranians can use the service in their native language. Google also introduced a new Farsi translating tool.


The Iranian Uprisings and the Challenge of the New Media

As the uprisings in Iran illustrate, the new electronic technologies and social networks they have produced have transformed both the landscape of media production and reception, and the ability of state power to define the borders and boundaries of what constitutes the very nature of political engagement.


The Role of Science and Engineering in Fostering Democratization

Science and engineering can play a very important role in paving the way toward democratic changes in developing countries by identifying and developing new projects that enable the tools and technologies that enhance human dignity and reduce corruption. This new approach should be implemented in partnership with the ruling governments of the developing countries while also seeking active partnerships with non-government organizations and the private sector.


Jolie, Pitt Give $1-million for Pakistan Refugees

Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have donated $1 million to help the UNHCR provide aid to the estimated 2 million Pakistanis uprooted during that government's battle against the Taliban. Jolie has visited Pakistan three times since becoming a UNHCR goodwill ambassador in 2001.


The Iranian Elections and Public Diplomacy 2.0: A Tale of Untapped Potential

While Web 2.0 technology has the potential to play a role similar to that played by fax machines in the Solidarity uprising in Poland in the 1980s and cell phones in Ukraine's Orange Revolution, America has done too little to support Iran's widespread and growing democracy movement.


In Iran Protest, Online World is Watching, Acting

It's a kind of civilian diplomacy," [Clay Shirky] said. "The regime will certainly use this as evidence of American meddling and it is American meddling," he said. "It's just not meddling by the American state.


Chinese Students to Visit Oakhurst [California] Area

They (the Chinese students) were truly sincere about learning our culture and asked amazing questions," said Suderman. She has two daughters ages seven and 11 and said, "They are so excited about this summer. It was difficult for them to say goodbye (last summer).


Iran Election Strife Brings War of Words: Between RFE/RL and VOA

Washington is an amusing city, but what really makes me roll on the ground, writhing with laughter, are the so-called conservative fellows of the so-called conservative think tanks, who are always calling for new ways to spend the taxpayers money. Radio Farda already broadcasts 24 frigging hours a day.



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