A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Commentary: Web 2.0: The Next Transition

Web 2.0 at its root implies user contribution and collaboration — two-way communication as opposed to one-way messaging. The challenge in the public sector is to ensure the exchange of ideas remains productive and viable, instead of complaint-ridden and harassing.


A Chance for Turkish-Kurdish Peace

Washington is in a strong position to help because of its positive relationships with both Turkey and the Kurds. The U.S. has demonstrated its bona fides with Ankara by extending much-needed logistical support to Turkish counterinsurgency operations, and consistently backing Turkey in international forums on the PKK issue. At the same time, the U.S. is held in high regard by Kurds everywhere for its role in their liberation from Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq.


When Silence is Golden in PD

An unyielding belief in strength over suppleness — constantly deploying the full force of both the sword and the mouth — may lie at the core of that old warrior Sen. John McCain's criticism that President Obama has been too passive in reacting to Iranian protests against that country's controversial elections.


Beyond Beer and Bratwurst: Germany Markets itself in China

Beer and cars are the first things that come to mind when people in China think of Germany. But a new national image campaign is out to change that...For Germany, the attempt to promote its ideas, values and visions in China through "soft power" doesn't come cheap. The events in Shenyang alone are slated to cost 2.3 million euros ($3.2 million), two-thirds of which are coming from public funds.


Commentary: Web 2.0: The Next Transition

Web 2.0 at its root implies user contribution and collaboration — two-way communication as opposed to one-way messaging. Envision a government that proactively solicits consumer preferences, works internally and with the public to coordinate disaster response activities, and even looks outside the Capitol to round out policy decisions.


Gov. James J. Blanchard Named Chairman of Meridian International Center

Meridian International Center announced today that Governor James J. Blanchard has been named Chairman of its Board of Trustees. Blanchard, who has served as a Governor of the state of Michigan, U.S. Ambassador to Canada and member of the U.S. Congress will begin his term immediately..."I am honored to serve, particularly at this time," Blanchard said. "The United States has begun a new era of public diplomacy, where we are listening to the world more and placing a greater emphasis on global engagement.


National Aboriginal Day a Celebration of Culture

"There's no place else in the world where you would find Northern Plains, Cree, Saulteaux and Assiniboine people, and we all have an identity," he said. "We have to establish who we are, and we need to maintain and strengthen that identity." Dickie Yuzicapi said he hopes people attending the National Aboriginal Day celebration left with a positive look at First Nations people, and a greater awareness about First Nations arts and culture.


Brazil Deserves Criticism for Awful Foreign Policy

Brazil, Latin America's biggest country, has received well-deserved praise in recent years for its responsible economic policies. But, increasingly, it is coming under fire for its shameless support for dictatorships around the world.



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