A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Overseas Koreans Lauded as Civic Ambassadors

The administration plans to set up an online communication network for Koreans living abroad to help them share information and build friendships. The move is part of efforts to promote exchanges between Koreans in and out of the country and strengthen relationships with overseas Korean communities in a bid to upgrade the country's image and reputation abroad.


A Country in Need of a Smart Brand

As diplomat and scholar Evan Potter reminds us we must present a more compelling, coherent ithat mage of Canada to the world. We need to harness the tools of public diplomacy -- culture, international education, business promotion -- to present an image of a certain kind of country, with a certain kind of values, which reflects the people we are.


The Lost Films of the Marshall Plan

Hungarian audiences will have a chance to see the lost films of the Marshall Plan for the first time in history at a 3-day series of screenings in Budapest. The Budapest exhibitions offer a fascinating cross-section of the more than 280 shorts and feature films produced by the Marshall Plan’s Motion Picture Section throughout Europe from 1948-1953.


Moment of Truth as Obama Turns to Question from Iran

That wasn't the only social technology used to spread the message, though: in addition, the White House quickly made a version of Obama's remarks on Iran – also streamed on Facebook – that had subtitles in Farsi and pushed out the message on Twitter in Farsi too, with a message reading roughly: "President Obama's remarks in his press conference, with Farsi translation"...The move marks a huge change on a number of fronts – not least of which is the use of communications technology to break down of yet more barriers between the Oval Office and the public.


Experts Advise U.S. To Focus On Relationship With Pakistan’s People

A panel of experts at the Cato Institute said that a key step in strengthening the relationship between Pakistan and the U.S. is to convince the Pakistani people to favor the United States.


Israeli Radio Show Captivates Iranians

In his Friday sermon, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reserved special wrath for "Zionist radio" that he said tried to drive a wedge between the Iranian people and the Islamic Republic. Such attention from Iran's supreme leader was music to the ears of Menashe Amir, a bespectacled Iranian-born Israeli who has been broadcasting in Persian from Jerusalem for the past five decades.


Liberation Technology: Social Media and Political Movements

With media blocked, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have become the main conduits for news out of Iran. What's the impact of social media on political movements? Ruth Seymour and KCRW's director of new media Anil Dewan talk with new media big thinkers Philip Sieb, Evgeny Morosov, Jonathan Zittrain.


May Bad-Mouthing Continue: Iran and the Voice of America

Each time the Iranian Islamic dictatorship condemns the Voice of America by name for broadcasting news of anti-government demonstrations into that country, it can only mean more dollars for the VOA's Persian News Network — and VOA in general — at budget time on Capital Hill.



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