A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Employing Art Along With Ambassadors

The Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies, a nonprofit group that works with the State Department to create and donate custom-made artwork for American outposts abroad. In 2001, the foundation gathered 245 pieces of art for State Department buildings worldwide.


Foreign Ministry Organizes Youth Diplomats to Expand Exchanges

Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Friday launched its first "international youth diplomats exchange project, " in which university students serve as young diplomats to help Taiwan expand cultural and educational exchanges with youth in countries with which it has diplomatic allies.


U.S., Venezuela To Restore Full Diplomatic Ties

The nations' envoys soon will take up their former posts. The move, analysts say, reflects Obama's desire for better Latin American relations and President Hugo Chavez's need to improve his image.


On the Road to Burma

LA band Ozomatli were on a five-day tour of Burma as part of the State Department's cultural diplomacy outreach. The Asia tour is is the second State Department tour for the band, following a trip around the Middle East.


Promotion of Cultural Relations: Pakistani, Norwegian Wedding Dresses Displayed at Virsa

Norways’ National Council for Folk Dress and National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage in collaboration with Norsk Folkemuseum organised an exhibition of exquisite Norwegian and Pakistani wedding costumes at Lok Virsa Complex, Heritage Museum, to promote cultural ties between Norway and Pakistan and support cultural heritage.


Morocco To Connect Cultures Through Music In Washington & Chicago

An ensemble of musicians separated by oceans and thousands of miles will perform together later this month for the first time, having composed music layer-by-layer with sound files exchanged over the Internet.Their goal: Show how the arts can bridge diverse cultures -- even among people who have never met in person before coming together on stage.


Branding, Re-branding, Teleprompting Managing Nigeria’s image (II)

If Nigeria were a corporation, it will be fair to say, it is currently doing abysmally, making no profits, but instead, losing prized assets. Nigeria, does indeed need branding, re-branding and refocus of our national brand, image, reputation in the hot pursuit of our nation’s development and advancement.


New Portal to Translate EU Dailies into 10 Languages

A new website launched Tuesday (26 May) aims to get EU citizens across the 27 member states talking and reading about the same issues, something that to date has been hindered by language barriers.



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