A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Global Grieving for Jackson a Reminder of US Influence

This remarkable moment of worldwide political and popular unity is a reminder of the immensity of American soft power, a dimension of US influence severely damaged by eight years of George Bush.


Boston Children’s Chorus, Including a Singer from Watertown, Invited To Perform in Jordan This

The singers, made up of the chorus’s Premier Choir and Young Men’s Ensemble, hope to serve as a “tool of cultural diplomacy” between the United States and Jordan. “By integrating cultures, our kids learn more about Arab countries and gain more of an understanding about the region,” Trecek-King said. “We want to bring America [to Jordan] and a piece of Jordan back [to America].”


When Peru came to Stockholm: Inti Raymi - Sun Festival

The festival were called Inti Raymi - The sun festival: “Everybody joined under the same sun”. This was the first time for this festival and such a multicultural performance which we never have seen before in Stockholm. There were songs and dancing from all over South America including a very special cultural integration performance with the inka and dancing to the sun gods honor


Obama and Netanyahu: Speeches, Constituencies, Peace

One of the joys of traveling in the Middle East is the possibility that one can be on the spot to observe the reactions of the residents of the region to important events as they actually happen, instead of being dependent on newspaper or television reporting of the reactions.


U.S. taps envoy for Muslim outreach without fanfare

The U.S. State Department has picked an official to help carry out President Barack Obama's strategy of reaching out to Muslims around the world -- but chose not to formally announce the fact. The choice of Farah Pandith to serve as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "special representative to Muslim communities" was disclosed in an internal memo to State Department employees dated on Tuesday.


Iran, Technology, and Revolution

The role of technology in the current unrest is well-covered elsewhere. What is lacking in much of the coverage, however, is a sense of context. Technology has been essential both to empire formation and preservation, and to state degradation in the Middle East.


Chile Should Tout its Passage to First World

Asked why Chile hasn't done a good job selling itself to the rest of the world -- it ranked 38th of 50 countries surveyed in a recent Anholt Country Brand Index, a world poll on countries' image abroad -- Valdés said it may have to do with Chile's national character. Chile is surrounded by mountains, water, ice and a desert, which may have contributed to its insular nature, he said.


Sweden To Push For ‘More Focused’ Lisbon Strategy at EU Helm

A "new, more focused and more efficient" Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs is expected to be adopted during the Spanish EU Presidency in spring 2010, but "preparing and setting the framework" for this strategy will be an important task of the incoming Swedish Presidency, EU Affairs Minister Cecilia Malmström told EurActiv in an interview.



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