A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

OSCE Summit a ‘Success For Diplomacy’

“It is a great success for Greek foreign policy that the 56 countries of the OSCE responded to our invitation and are here today to discuss openly, in a free and sincere dialogue, all the problems affecting Europe and particularly security concerns,” [Greek Prime Minister] Karamanlis said.


Sri Lanka Defense Secretary Rajapaksa Opens Dialogue With Expatriates in U.S.

[Sri Lanka Defense Sec] Rajapaksa through a satellite communication reached to approximately twenty household in the State of California and two household in the State of Nevada initiating a dialogue with the expatriate community while inaugurating a fundraiser for the Api Wenuwen Api House Project for the armed services personnel who hail from rural, destitute and poor families on Saturday, June 27.


Is Obama Following in the Disliked Footsteps of Bush in East Africa?

President Barack Obama “is essentially on the same path” as was Bush in regard to counter-terrorism initiatives in the Horn, says Daniel Volman, director of the Washington-based African Security Research Project. Mr Volman views such an approach as “not justifiable” because it reflects “a fundamental error of analysis in defining terrorism as a military threat rather than as a law-enforcement issue.”


Honduran Military Sends President into Exile; Supportive Congress Names Successor

Senior administration officials in Washington said Sunday that U.S. diplomats had been negotiating behind the scenes to stop the coup. U.S. officials said the Honduran military, which has traditionally maintained close ties with the United States, had broken off contact with U.S. diplomats after the coup.


Iraqis Rejoice as U.S. Troops Leave Baghdad

U.S. troops pulled out of Baghdad on Monday, triggering jubilation among Iraqis hopeful that foreign military occupation is ending six years after the invasion to depose Saddam Hussein.


Violence Could Overshadow Obama-Uribe Meeting

Supporters of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement say the deal would seal a long-term partnership with a reliable U.S. ally at a time when many leftist leaders in Latin America are turning away from Washington. Uribe claims that the pact would help end the violence by strengthening the legal economy.


When the Revolution Isn’t Broadcast

In Iran, the Persian-language service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty uses several different radio frequencies and the Internet, while Voice of America’s Persian television service claims to reach more than 15 million viewers. Accurate audience measures are hard to come by in places like Iran. But the fact that Tehran spends a huge amount of money jamming these channels and blocking their websites tells us something.


Sacred Chinese Mountain Among Sites Inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List

A sacred Buddhist mountain in China and a British aqueduct and canal are among several sites that can now boast membership on the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).



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