A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

IRAN: Tehran blames West for riots

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi has accused Western nations and media of supporting violent protests in an attempt to create anarchy and split apart the Islamic Republic. The BBC and Voice of America “are the mouthpiece of their government's public diplomacy." Qashqavi said during a press conference today.


Sculptures open a dialogue for Jewish and Palestinian kids

Over 200 teenagers from Umm el-Fahm, joined by students from the Israel Museum's high school art matriculation program, put the finishing touches on the metal sculptures this month, each depicting a house and window inspired by Umm al-Fahm homes. The schoolchildren painted reproductions by famous Israeli artists - Jews and Arabs - on both sides of the sculptures, creating a collaborative public art installation that reflects Arab-Jewish dialogue through cultural cooperation.


Exploring Iran’s Unrest and the Obama Factor

[Pres. Obama] has offered direct talks between his administration and the Iranian regime, without preconditions. He has videotaped a message directly for the Iranian people, on the celebration of Nowruz, the 12-day holiday that marks the new year in Iran. In the video, with subtitles in Persian, he directed his comments not just to the Iranian people but to Iran’s leaders, and referred to Iran as “the Islamic Republic,” further flagging a willingness to deal with the clerical government.


Beat Extremists You Can, Says Obama

President Obama gave the first-ever interview by an American President to Pakistani media, speaking with the Pakistani newspaper Dawn. He stated: "But I also think that the relationship between the United States and Pakistan can’t just be based on military-to-military cooperation. It’s got to be based on something richer that involves development and exchanges of students and business people. And so we want to encourage that kind of work, as well."


Traveling from China Grove to China Carson High Educators Part of Cultural Exchange

Henry Kluttz, principal of Carson High School, and assistant principal Kelly Withers leave Monday for Jiangsu Qingjiang Upper Middle School in Huai'An, Jiangsu, China. The trip is part of an effort called the "2009 Chinese Bridge Delegation." Launched in 2006, this program is designed to enhance the understanding of China; bring China into the classroom via language, culture, and economic effects; and make valuable contacts with international leaders.


Australia Cultural Festival Opens in Israel

he first Australian cultural festival opened in Israel. G’day Shalom Salaam, highlighting a robust Australia-Israel relationship, launched Saturday night in Jerusalem with the opening of the Australian Film Festival featuring "Tackling Peace," a documentary about Israelis and Palestinians who came to Australia last year to compete in an international Australian Rules football tournament.


To Promote Capitalism and Enhance Our Soft Power, go to Kiva.org

With the coming of the Obama administration we are finally beginning to realize the enormous potential of our soft power to influence the world. In economics you can do this by going to www.kiva.org and loaning a small (or large) bit of money to the budding entrepreneur of your choice.


Filipino Film Wins Democracy Video Challenge

The Challenge asked young video makers to complete the phrase, “Democracy is…” through three-minute videos posted on the competition’s YouTube site. More than 900 people from 95 countries answered the challenge. “Long Live the Fearless Man” is narrated in Filipino, with English subtitles, featuring black-and-white scenes and close-up shots of a man’s body (Alastaire “Alas” Tabilos). Written in indelible ink on his skin are words like “Demokrasya” and “Dalamhati” (despair).



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