A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cuba Is Back

The so-called ALBA countries, which includes Cuba, Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Dominica, and Ecuador, were able partly to outwit ― and partly to "out-blackmail" ― Canada, the United States, and the Latin American democracies in getting Cuba rehabilitated.


U.S. Scrambles for Information on Iran

With no diplomatic relations and with foreign journalists largely expelled from the country, [the Obama] administration that was already struggling to make sense of Iran finds itself picking up tidbits about the crisis in the same ways private citizens do: viewing amateur videos on YouTube and combing posts on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.


Iran Roundup: “It Is Your Duty to Report”

One strain worth noting today: how the coverage of events circulates around the Internet now that there is an absence of coverage by foreign journalists on the ground in Iran, and the challenges that poses for verifying all that we're seeing, hearing, and reading.


Indigenous Students Head To Malaysia For Cultural Exchange

Four local Indigenous students [Australia] are on their way to Malaysia on a unique month-long cultural exchange program to share their Australian experiences and learn about the country’s Indigenous Orang Asli people.


U.S. Dedicates New Diplomatic Office in Taiwan

The United States dedicated the site of a new $170 million representative office in Taiwan on Monday. The move — one of the most conspicuous expressions of U.S. interest in the island since Washington shifted its recognition to Beijing in 1979 — comes amid a rapid improvement in relations between Taiwan and China.


Taft Fund Supports Hospital Renovation, Refugee Return in the Congo

Last year, a donation from the State Department’s Julia V. Taft Refugee Fund enabled a non-governmental organization to rehabilitate a hospital that serves a region of 400,000 people. Refugees from the area are slowly starting to return from neighboring countries.


“since we entered Twitter, I think the definition of public diplomacy has changed” David Saranga

According to David (Consul for Media and Public Affairs at the Israeli Consulate in New York ) , if in the past, we had to convey messages to third parties, now we could directly talk to the relevant public.


Public Diplomacy Is Easier When the Facts Are on Your Side

Bibi Netanyahu has refined his diplomatic skills since his last time in office. His speech offering a two-state solution was widely praised in Israel, triggered the predictable rejectionist language from the Palestinians, and forced the White House to cough up some praise.



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