A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Sarkozy Hails Mexico’s Fight Against Organised Crime

In his address, Sarkozy stressed “the perfect union” between the two countries and said in this world in motion the international community needs “an active Mexico as a great emerging nation”. Calderon also said that his country wanted to be “an actor and not a spectator in the world’s transformation” and acknowledged that Sarkozy was “a statesman with a broad vision internationally and of the future”.


Controversial Azeri Novel Takes on Double Taboos

What's behind the popularity of Ali Akbar's novel "Artush and Zaur," which has sold out at many bookstores? According to Akbar, the book's political and erotic content was guaranteed to hit a nerve in Azeri society..."I don't know if we need to talk about friendship between Armenian and Azerbaijani young people," Abbasli says. "But here it's not even a friendship. It's something that is against our traditions, mentality, and religion. I don't think this is an effort of public diplomacy to forge Azerbaijani-Armenian friendship. I think it's another attack on our morality."


Turkey Warms to Clinton’s Candor

"Overall, Obama's policies towards the region, towards Muslims, these are the things that will help improve America's image in Turkey. Clinton's appearance is a good start, but without a change in the main policies, you can't expect things to improve," says Lale Sariibrahimoglu, an Ankara-based analyst and a columnist for Today's Zaman.


Why We Must Rebrand Nigeria

A well managed nation branding campaign like the one being proposed by the Ministry of Information and Communications will help...reposition our national image, rekindle the passion and spirit of patriotism in us and make us believe more in the beauty that lies in us, and in our country despite the challenges we may be facing today.


British Council Spend to Eliminate ‘Widening Gap of Trust’

The British Council works to develop cultural relations and educational opportunities and intends to spend about £30 million over the next three years in a bid to bridge a “widening gap of trust” in the Middle East, with a large priority in Iraq...The council halted operations in Tehran after the Iranian government claimed its staff had been intimidated.


The British Council And Sharjah Art Museum Host Debate

The debate on ‘Orientalism Revisited’ was an attempt at “representing Arab cultures through Western eyes and Western cultures through Arab eyes.” The debate served as an opportunity to discuss about the shared history including areas of bonding as well as conflicts covering all cultural aspects of the relations between the West and the Middle East.


US Rethinks Cuba Approach

In the absence of official diplomacy between the US and Cuban governments, the tools of cultural diplomacy have been a significant avenue for bridging the two societies.


Clinton’s Gaffes and Gains on Tour

Clinton's public diplomacy, which she started in Asia, continued throughout this trip, as she held events with women and young people in the Middle East and Europe...Critics said that while it was good to meet with locals, it might have been better to meet with NGOs directly involved in peace efforts on either side of the divide.



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