A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Clinton’s Asia Trip Shows Priorities

The centerpiece of Clinton’s approach seemed to be to avoid airing controversial issues in public and to focus on the overarching themes of climate change and the global economic crisis. Her tone was soft.


Have YouTube, Will Travel: Australia’s Experiment in Social Media

One of the most successful marketing campaigns in years generated another round of global buzz this week – and someone else did all the work. Out of nearly 35,000 entries, the 50 finalists for the “best job in the world” were announced this week...he brainchild of the Queensland Tourism Board in Australia, the job offers one lucky blogger the chance to live in exclusive Hamilton Island for six months, charged with simply telling the World Wide Web how much fun he or she is having.


On The Edge Of A Fiasco In Central Africa

When Operation Lightning Thunder was first launched after the LRA Leadership refused to sign a Peace Deal
that took two years to negotiate there were calls for the African Military Forces to get help from outside sources. One of the sources that Activists demanded to help the Ugandans and their Allies was AFRICOM.


Can SA Win The World Cup Of Nation Branding?

“The 2006 FIFA World Cup boosted the national German psyche and bestowed Germans with the long lost emotion of national pride and self-confidence. For 2010 to do the same for the South African psyche, a national Brand Pride Campaign is required that is aimed at transforming the soul, not the looks, of the country.”


NATO’s New Direction

Krakow's think tank, the Institute of Strategic Studies, in cooperation with NATO's Public Diplomacy Division hosted a two-day conference on Euro-Atlantic security titled, "NATO before the Jubilee Summit ? Does the Alliance Need a New Strategic Concept?"


US Commanders Hone Battlefield Diplomacy In Iraq

The sight of a U.S. officer riding with locals instead of in a bomb-protected vehicle is a window into the future for American forces. With the end of combat operations fixed for August 2010, commanders will switch to support and training roles and are now sharpening their skills at street-level diplomacy.


Patriotic Chinese Bidder Thwarts Relics Sale

The mystery bidder for the two looted Chinese bronze relics sold at Christie's high profile auction in Paris last week revealed his identity Monday: A patriotic collector who wanted to thwart the sale. Cai Mingchao, 44, told a press conference in Beijing that he would not pay for the bids; and that he made the bogus offer to protest the sale of looted Chinese relics.


China’s Power to Dominate

he amount of cultural capital that has been built up in relation to these semantic-communicative activities in the world’s advanced economies - especially in the US - is huge. And unlike a lot of agricultural and manufacturing techniques this knowledge is not easily acquired or transferred...that absence of bright, shiny Chinese-owned brands that appeal to consumers in advanced economies is a fundamental problem for both the country’s economic and political progress.



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