A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Kudos For Senator Lugar’s Call To Re-Establish International American Centers

To be clear, the internet and other modern information tools as well as private sponsors are and should be a big part of public diplomacy. But can and should they replace a live forum, a marketplace of ideas where people in cities across the world can meet, talk and debate with Americans, not in a virtual chat room, but in a real reading room? I think not.


Obama Gets it Right on Iraq

Obama's decision to speak directly to the Iraqi people -- and not only to Iraqi leaders -- was brilliantly conceived and executed. His very clear statement that the U.S. had no aspirations on Iraqi territory or resources -- no permanent bases -- was pitch perfect.


The Power of Three

Like Americans themselves, outsiders have to learn to adjust expectations downwards of what Washington can deliver in today's more chaotic and less controllable world without one dominant superpower.


Spaniards Seeks Relations with Africa

Casa África is a public consortium sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development and authorities of the Canary Islands that responds to the new compromises of the Spanish foreign policy in Africa...to strengthen the political, social, cultural and economic ties between the country and the African continent.


In Failing Economy, Foreign Service Attracts Many

Forget about a career in investment banking. Hedge funds, schmedge funds. For many these days, diplomacy is where it's at. Late last month, the State Department announced the February administration of its Foreign Service officer test had reached the agency's "worldwide scheduling limit," reflecting a surge in applicants from previous years. Inspired in part by a new president who promises to strengthen alliances abroad at a time when companies are cutting their rosters, thousands are looking to the Foreign Service as a future career path.


To Win Hearts and Minds, Get Back in the Game

As part of a broader overhaul of its public diplomacy effort, the United States should reinvigorate the old American Centers concept-putting, when possible, new ones that are safe but accessible in vibrant downtown areas-support active cultural programming, and resume the teaching of English by American or U.S.-trained teachers hired directly by embassies.


Diplo-Blogosphere: Ranking the French, Germans and Brits

Despite my vivid memory of all of this, it wasn't all that big a deal -- but it did imprint on my mind the different stances that countries take towards new media and bloggers -- particularly serious political and policy bloggers who run in a lot of the same circles as the mainstream types...But plaudits aside, it is interesting to take a cursory look at how some Embassies are dealing with new media, using or ignoring the tools that online video and blogging can provide.


The People-to-People People

Now is the time for all good men — and women — to come to the aid of public diplomacy. I have in mind citizen travel to countries that, until recently, were off-limits to Americans, like Iran, Libya or Syria.



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