A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

‘Selling’ America to the World

Secretary Clinton said her role was not just about repairing relations with governments around the world but also to talk to people, to try to influence their view of America by meeting Japanese students or chatting to Indonesians about the clean water and health care projects the US was funding in their country.


The Trouble with Africom

Based on the debacles in Somalia and the Congo, the Obama Administration should look closely at Africom and ask whether it is needed in a time of limited resources.


Foreign Service Leadership Gap?

The diplomatic services tend to have weak institutional cohesion and esprit de corps; they attract talented individuals, but promote diplomatic rather than leadership skills...The Foreign Service as a permanent entity like the military needs to be led by its own and not just administered by successive administrations.


SE Asia’s Political Clout Grows with the Rise of China and India

Southeast Asia's political leverage on the global stage is on the rise thanks to its ability to keep the big powers' interests in the region in balance, but officials and experts warn of greater challenges in the future amid the current global woes. Southeast Asia has played a pivotal role in creating regional political stability in Asia amid the rise of China and India in the continent that has seen economic domination by Japan for decades.


Wrestling Diplomacy

International relations with Iran and Egypt are expected to improve by using head locks, slams and a lot of sweat. The [Danish] national wrestling team is touring Iran and Egypt in an effort to strengthen ties in the wrestling world in the run up to the World Championships, to be held in Denmark later this year.


Democracy in the Middle East

Improved public diplomacy from Obama — including his still unscheduled big speech in a Muslim capital — will be valuable, but only if it's accompanied by policy changes as well. Getting out of Iraq will help. Seriously engaging in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process will help. And supporting democracy more consistently will help. But if the PIPA poll is accurate, it's going to be a long, hard slog.


Rebranding Nigeria: Myths and Realities

Without doubt, globalization has intensified competition not just among industries, markets, and investments but among nations. In the wake of the issues of cyber crimes, drug and human trafficking, piracy, money laundering, embezzlement and all forms of corruption that have marred our national identity, we cannot fault the idea of rebranding.


Middle East Countries Rank High In First Annual ‘Perception’ Index

In the first annual index that ranks the perception of countries in major international media, Asian countries (including one territory) grabbed the top three slots. Singapore was number one, with Hong Kong in second place, and Malaysia third. Australia ranked fourth. The East West Global Index 200 for 2008 was published recently and can be seen at: www.EastWestComs.com.



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