A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Actions Speak Loud When Branding A City

My column last Tuesday on the branding of Montreal drew a skeptical response from one authority on image-making, Simon Anholt. He's an adviser to various governments on nation branding and an editor of the journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy.


Slumdog’s Triumph: The Importance Of Soft Power

“Slumdog Millionaire”, the quintessential underdog in this year’s Oscars, has emerged as the unexpected winner with eight awards to its credit and the film - which is not an Indian film but definitely about India and its seamy underbelly - has caught the global imagination in an extraordinary manner.


Focus on Asia as Clinton Starts Work

Mrs Clinton's trip to Beijing may not produce immediate results - but its symbolism won't be lost on the Chinese.


To Obama, RP No Longer a Key US Ally

As Clinton visited Asia, signals flared in the Philippines to remind her that its historic and strategic relations with the United States were being badly frayed...The traditional political and security ties we had with the United States have been dissolved by the global recession and the new alliances being hammered out by the United States under a new international balance of power. The Philippines must seek new diplomatic leverages to find its place in this emerging power balance.


Tbilisi’s Divine Diplomacy

With diplomatic ties between Georgia and Russia ruptured, the two countries’ shared Orthodox Christian faith has emerged as the primary conduit for dialogue between Tbilisi and Moscow. 
That postwar connection first came into play on 15 August, three days after the end of active fighting between Georgian and Russian troops, when the 76-year-old Georgian Orthodox Patriarch Ilia II traveled into the Russian-occupied territory to bring back the bodies of slain Georgian soldiers.


How Much Is America Liked, And How Much Does It Matter?

The Obama team in the first month has made it clear that they believe they know how to do public diplomacy better than the Bush team did. They start off with an enormous asset: President Obama's sky-high global celebrity status and a secretary of state who is no celebrity slouch herself. They also have shown some refreshing willingness to try new things. Here I am referring not to Clinton's "listening tour." Nothing is older than the global listening tour.


USC Launches Public Diplomacy Magazine

“Nothing like this has been attempted before,” said Nicholas Cull, director of the Master of Public Diplomacy program at USC, who advised the team of graduate student editors from the Association of Public Diplomacy Scholars at USC. “Because of the transformation of the world through communications and through democratization, publics have an increasingly significant role in the foreign policy process,” he said. “This magazine is a way of conceptualizing and documenting these changes.”


Taiwan Explores Foreign Affairs Involvement through Art

Taiwan will showcase selected works that explore the methods and possibilities of the island becoming involved in“foreign affairs”-- the theme Taiwanese artists have chosen to explore in the upcoming Venice Biennale in Italy, a local museum announced Monday. Four distinguished creators, whose pieces represent the current development of Taiwan’s trend in contemporary art, will use contemporary art to reflect on the country’s identity issue, according to Hsieh Hsiao-yun, director of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM), in a press conference.



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