A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Clinton, Chinese Add Environmental and Security Issues to Economic Talks

Clinton has been eager to expand discussions between the two countries, believing U.S. cooperation with the Asian giant is key to easing many world problems, including security challenges from North Korea and Iran.


Clinton Wraps Asia Trip by Asking China to Buy US debt

Clinton and Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi largely agreed to disagree on human rights as they pledged future joint action on the economy and climate change.


Clinton Wraps Up first Asian Trip

The secretary of state ended her official engagements by taking part in a web chat with the China Daily - the Chinese government's main English-language newspaper.


Hillary Clinton: diplomat, politician or advice columnist?

The former first lady tried to show that the United States can be a force for good in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, by taking a walk through a modest Jakarta neighborhood where Washington funds development projects..."This, to me, is what diplomacy is about," she later said. "It doesn't just operate ... government to government. It operates people to people."


Clinton urges China to sustain U.S. economic support

Clinton urged Beijing to keep buying U.S. government bonds despite their declining value. And she defended the Obama administration's stimulus spending package, saying the added debt load, though "drastic," would benefit China...Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said his government would continue to buy the bonds if they continued to offer the best combination of value, low risk and liquidity.


Clinton Tells China Economy Is Priority

Secretary Clinton concluded her first diplomatic mission to China, where she laid out a vision for U.S. relations with Beijing that prioritizes cooperation on the financial crisis and global warming while playing down disagreements over human rights..."by continuing to support American Treasury instruments, the Chinese are recognizing our interconnection. We are truly going to rise or fall together," said Clinton.


Secretary of State Has Her Own Style

Clinton's willingness to speak frankly -- combined with an extensive effort to get beyond ministerial meetings in order to hold town hall meetings and conduct local TV interviews in the countries she visits -- suggests she will put a distinctive personal stamp on the Obama administration's foreign policy.


Clinton calls Rudd During Asia Trip

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has taken time out during her trip to Asia to ring Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd...The pair spoke about the global financial crisis and the role of the G20, which next meets in London in April, in developing a response to the economic turmoil.



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