A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Conversation

The Obama administration now has the opportunity and the ambition to dramatically transform America’s dialogue with the world. But doing so will require a new approach to engaging with the Arab and Muslim world that moves beyond the “war on terror”. American strategy must also transcend the rift that divides present outreach efforts between “strategic communications” and “public diplomacy”.


Clinton In Japan

Secretary Clinton and Japan's Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone emphasized the importance of maintaining the strength of the U.S.-Japan security alliance. To that end, Secretary Clinton signed the Guam International Agreement, which will move eight-thousand American troops from Okinawa to Guam.


High Marks for Hillary in Asia

So far in Asia, Secretary Clinton is demonstrating she has done serious homework, is well briefed and articulate. Japan as the initial destination reflects a solid sense of history. In an era of global interdependence and integration of societies as well as economies, a very smart domestic politician may provide very effective leadership of American foreign policy.


The Art of Museum Diplomacy

At a time when more conventional channels of communication between Britain and Iran have stalled, MacGregor's cultural diplomacy is opening up another avenue for dialogue. The British Museum, especially since MacGregor took the helm in 2002, has used traveling exhibitions and curatorial exchanges to successfully engage museums from China to North Korea to Sudan. "The more difficult the political relations are, the more important it is to try to understand the history of the country with whom we're having difficult conversations," he says.


A Proposed Strategy for Public Diplomacy

The White Oak signatories are critical of the "war of ideas" approach but definitely reject the public-relations model.


Clinton Trip Puts Asia Back on US agenda

As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visiting Asia this week, she will fundamentally and profoundly change the trajectory of US foreign policy...Clinton's decision to go to Asia for her first overseas trip underscores the growing geopolitical significance of the region and a strong desire to re-balance American engagement.


Secretary Clinton’s Visit Boosts RI’s Soft Power

Although it is not by design, Clinton's visit [to Indonesia] can be seen as a tacit support for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Jusuf Kalla before the elections as the two need international recognition of their role in consolidating and stabilizing Indonesia's democracy over the last five years.


Hillary Says Hello to Asia

Hillary Clinton’s decision to start her travels with a tour to Tokyo, Jakarta, Beijing and Seoul surprised even her hosts. The message seems to be that war elsewhere and economic turmoil may be the current preoccupations, but America’s future environment will be shaped in Asia.



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