A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Clinton Says U.S. Seeks Unity With Muslim World

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that the Obama administration will make "a concerted effort" to restore the image of the United States in the Islamic world and will seek to "enlist the help of Muslims around the world against the extremists."


New Kid On Broadcast Block

Determined to tell its own story to the world Japan on 2 Feb launched its own 24-hour English-language TV news channel— NHK World TV...Takashima explained the rationale for launching NHK World TV in an already competitive and saturated market by saying that Japan needed to maintain good relations and promote better understanding with the rest of the world.


Venezuela, China Boost Economic Ties

Venezuela and China agreed to boost economic relations Tuesday, as Vice President Xi Jinping began a two-day visit to the country and Beijing continued to expand its presence in Latin America. Xi and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez agreed to establish a joint business committee to foster contacts between business leaders in both nations and increase ties in the service, trade and investment sectors.


Deaf is Dumb – Why Listening is Powerful

The British Council announced at the start of February, that we have had to suspend our operations in Iran. A sad day for the British Council, and also for tens of thousands of Iranians who have engaged with our cultural and education programmes in recent years.


The Obama Team Hits the Road in Fresh Directions

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's decision to head west instead of east for her get-acquainted trip as America's top diplomat is rich with symbolism...Clinton is visiting Japan, Indonesia, South Korea and China. Or, in other words, not Europe. First impressions count, and the new administration is saying this is where the action is for trade, consequential political friction and sustaining alliances.


Clinton, in Tokyo, Warns N. Korea on Missile Launch

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned North Korea not to conduct a missile launch, saying that it "would be very unhelpful" to any opportunity to improve relations with the United States.


Death to the Axis

It doesn’t count as public diplomacy — not yet. But the way in which the Iranian authorities have permitted foreign media visits, especially coverage by major American media (e.g., NPR and the NYT) , not to mention official Iranian comments on bilateral relations, suggests a whiff of change toward caring what the Western world thinks.


Che’s Image and it’s Perception

What the Cuban government (or the Venezuelan, Bolivian, Nicaraguan or Ecuadorean government) has not perceived is that as Che's image is imposed, the perception of the countries that vindicate him as a kind of national totem is damaged...In the last report I read, out of 50 countries scrutinized, Cuba and Ecuador rank among the five with the worst image, both sharing the 46th spot.



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