A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

EU Soft Power Best Agent To Solve Conflict

The political and economic interdependence between the EU and Russia is so great that there is no alternative to constructive engagement and better diplomacy...Threats of sanctions which could not realistically be implemented would have been counterproductive. The EU has wisely not gone down this road. Its message, which is stronger than beginning an exchange of sanctions, is to offer Georgia a programme of humanitarian and financial assistance.


Caribbean Profile Can Be Boosted Through Cultural Diplomacy

An ongoing programme of cultural diplomacy can be beneficial to the Caribbean once it is implemented strategically. Such a programme should draw on the unique culture of the Caribbean which was displayed at the 10th staging of the Caribbean Festival of Arts (CARIFESTA) in Guyana.


Changing Course: A New Direction for U.S. Relations with the Muslim World.

This report represents a strong consensus among the Leadership Group's members on fundamental principles and core recommendations for improving U.S. relations with Muslim countries and communities. This report argues that the next U.S. president will have to provide immediate and sustained leadership to improve U.S.-Muslim relations and outlines the required steps.


Changing Course: Proposals to Reverse the Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy

The militarization of U.S. foreign policy, through reliance on our military to pursue objectives better achieved by other means, has reached unprecedented heights under President Bush. To change the situation, the U.S. needs a new president with an internationalist as opposed to an imperialistic approach to foreign policy. He would insist on major changes to rebuild the State Department and to reduce the role of the Department of Defense (DoD).


Shiny Olympics Shouldn’t Disguise China’s Dark Reality

China’s horrible domestic human rights track record, extremely dark and aggressive involvement in Africa and the dodgy backing of all possible dodgy countries of the world remain unshaken


China’s Winning Olympic Spirit

Now that the Olympics has come to a successful end, China has impressed the world by its efforts to turn a highly politicized and competitive event into a harmonious experience for the world.


Chávez Threatens to Expel American Ambassador

Fuming over assertions by American officials that cocaine smuggling through Venezuela has surged in recent years, President Hugo Chávez threatened the American ambassador with expulsion on Sunday, opening a new phase of tension between Venezuela and the United States.


French Parliamentarian Says World Knows China Better Through Olympics

"The Beijing Olympic Games was a window through which people around the world gained a better understanding about China," said Bernard Debre, a member of the French National Assembly, on Friday.



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