A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China’s Olympic Run – Part I

In the first article of the series, veteran correspondent Mary Kay Magistad explores the two-prong theme of the Beijing Olympics: For the global audience, Chinese leaders stressed global cooperation and peace. For the domestic audience, “It was about rallying the nation around a common cause, of earning international respect and admiration for China.” A population of more than 1 billion mobilizing around a common goal is a major accomplishment.


Festival Offers Flavour of Modern Taiwan

World in a Island is the theme of this year's Telus TaiwanFest at the Plaza of Nations, which will feature delicious delicacies, rock 'n' roll, eco-art, bartending gymnastics, and the high drama of dragon boat races. Those are just the headliners.


Iran: Cultural Cooperation Helps Expand Ties Among Nations

Iran's Ambassador to Japan has said that one of the ways of expanding ties among countries is cultural cooperation. Speaking to IRNA at the inaugural ceremony of an exhibition titled 'West Asia Miniature, Persian Miniature' featuring miniatures by a Japanese artist in the Iranian Embassy in Tokyo, Mohammad Ali Sarmadi said that cultural cooperation and such exhibitions can leave positive impact on the two countries' ties.


Revealed: Britain’s Secret Propaganda War Against Al-Qaida

A Whitehall counter-terrorism unit is targeting the BBC and other media organisations as part of a new global propaganda push designed to "taint the al-Qaida brand", according to a secret Home Office paper seen by the Guardian.


Berlin’s IFA Exhibition to Include Two Ethiopian Photographers

Berlin’s Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFA) , will host a photo exhibition which includes the works of two promising Ethiopian photographers - Aida Muluneh and Michael Tsegaye. The exhibit entitled ‘Bamako 2007′ touches on several themes including the landscape of the African continent, colonial heritage, HIV/AIDS, self-portraits, and wall paintings.


Fair Trial Unlikely, Karadzic Argues

The former Bosnian Serb leader, Radovan Karadzic, has called for the dismissal of charges against him of genocide and crimes against humanity because, he says, negative publicity has made a fair trial impossible. In a three-page filing dated Sunday and released on Tuesday, he said any presumption of innocence had been “reduced to a joke” by what he called “demonization in the media.”


Korea Undervalued Overseas

According to Anholt's nation brands index in the fourth quarter of 2007, Korea ranked 30th out of the 35 countries. Another index released by East West Communications, a Washington D.C.-based nation branding consultancy, said the country placed 28th out of 200 countries.


Artistic Propaganda In Ossetia

By conducting this piece, Valery Gergiev--an ethnic Ossetian and maestro par excellence who performs with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Rotterdam Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera--propagandized the Russian "liberation" of South Ossetians from the cruel hands of their Georgian oppressors...The blatant use of art in the service of partisan (and military) politics during the appearance of the famed St. Petersburg Kirov Orchestra in Ossetia startled the West, where this sort of cultural diplomacy is normally reserved for more positive displays.



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