A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Olympic Splendour Offers Few Clues For Those Betting on China’s Number Game

If staging the most extravagant Olympics in history was about persuading the world to sit up and gape at Beijing, it has probably worked. The great question - now that China has everyone's attention - is where to buy tickets for the second act. As the Olympic afterglow fades, the picture becomes far more obscure. China's vast and enticing economy is a bewildering labyrinth of numbers.


China Blocks iTunes Over “Songs Of Tibet” Album

China may be open to the Olympics, but the government closed off access to the popular iTunes Web site in the country, apparently in response to reports that dozens of Olympic athletes were among those who had gone there to download an album promoting freedom for Tibet.


Hard-line China May Return

Experts predict Beijing will resume its hard-line stance on human rights and national security issues following the the conclusion of the Summer Games. Before and during the Olympics, China had to pay due heed to pressure from the international community over such issues. In this respect, observers say the country's future is unclear--not only in diplomatic terms, but also in the direction the economy and society is set to take.


China’s Olympic legacy

After living and breathing the Olympics for seven years, for a while at least China will be able to bask in the games' success. "Post-Olympics China, at least in the first one or two years, will be marked with triumphant glory and renewed ambition," Professor Xu Wu, a former Xinhua reporter and now professor of journalism at Arizona State university, told Al Jazeera.


China Deports 8 American Protesters

Eight Americans jailed for holding peaceful protests were deported Sunday during the Olympics closing ceremony, the U.S. Embassy said. The move comes hours after the U.S. Embassy called for the men's release and expressed disappointment that the Games did not bring more tolerance to the nation.


China’s Thin Veil of Compliance

Exotic, distant and mysterious no longer. As a result of the Olympics, China has been recognised to have a more complex persona. The international gaze has now been redirected to some of the less agreeable ''externalities'' fuelling the economic miracle. And these externalities are not just problems for people in China, in Tibet and Xinjiang. They are also a problem for the rest of the world.


Beijing Olympics Also Grand for China’s Diplomacy

On the sidelines of the smooth sports events, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government held more than 100 meetings with leaders from other countries, thanking them for their support for the Games and exchanging views on international and regional issues with common concern.


Vietnamese Media: Olympics, China Most Successful

Host China has not only topped the medal table for the first time, but also received numerous praises for the most successful games in the history, local newspaper Youth reported Monday.



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