A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Time for Eurovision

"Countries from the Eastern bloc are interested in the contest out of insecurity," Konstantinidis said, "they are unsure of their place in Europe and feel the need not only to take part but do well, be a force to be reckoned with. Petar Popovic, Serbia's most famous music critic said that for a country with a troubled recent history like Serbia, Eurovision was a great chance to promote the nation's positive qualities: hospitality and a fun-loving spirit.


The war on (name your euphemism)

The non-binding 14-point guide on counterterrorism communication, prepared by the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), urges U.S.


Glassman Cites Increase in Listening to U.S. International Broadcasting

The chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors says U.S. international broadcasting reaches 175 million people weekly, up from 155 million last year. He said that’s a 75 percent increase since 2001.


Whose face to the world?

There is a growing debate in the United States and abroad over which presidential candidate is best positioned to improve America's standing in the world. The candidates themselves are taking this issue seriously; all seem to agree that America's current public diplomacy efforts are badly flawed.


Hodge: Films bridge cultural divide

Culture Minister Margaret Hodge has talked about how films can promote peace and understanding of different cultures. Ms Hodge was visiting Cannes, and has been discussing with European ministers how to work together to promote cultural diplomacy.


US Relief Supplies, Troops Wait Offshore as Burma Rebuffs American Overture

Burma is refusing deliveries of humanitarian aid from U.S. Navy ships, standing by off the Burmese coast. Washington's offer to help victims of Cyclone Nargis highlights the U.S. military's wider efforts to employ "soft power" in the region - something the Burmese junta views with suspicion.


German Government’s Campaign Kicks off with a Winning Start

The finer details of Aktion Afrika are yet to be released, but the government has indicated that the money will go towards “cultural exchange projects and programmes in 2008”, with the goal being to improve relations and ensure close cooperation with the African continent in the future.


ICCR to open first cultural diplomacy centre in Kolkata

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) will open its first cultural diplomacy centre in Kolkata next week...'the centre would ideally become a hub of cultural activity inviting international participation with considerable local interaction,' said a press release issued by the ICCR Thursday.



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