A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Measures to improve air quality

Work at Beijing construction sites will be suspended in the run-up to, and during, the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The suspension - along with a slew of other initiatives - to be effective from July 20 to September 20, aims to ensure better air quality during the Games.


As Olympics Protests Mount, China Blasts its Foreign Critics

China is lashing back at its foreign critics -- by name. A mood of angry nationalism has spurred government officials to lash out at foreign critics, trying to stay ahead of public resentment -- even fury -- that foreigners may spoil the Summer Olympics party with what some see as unwarranted criticism.


Stalling the Colombia FTA: A Major Blow to U.S. Public Diplomacy

In the Democratic response to President George W. Bush's 2004 State of the Union Address, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi said, "As a nation we must show our greatness, not just our strength. America must be a light to the world, not just a missile."[1] Four years later, in a volatile presidential election year, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has deployed a legislative "missile" at the front line of U.S. foreign policy: free trade with an important ally, Colombia.


Iran calls on nations to develop friendship, cultural ties

The chief of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization said on Monday that nations should get familiarized with each other's cultures to develop friendship and cultural relations.


«Kazakhstan-American dialogues» to brainstorm new ideas to strengthen strategic partnershi

For the first time in the history of bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and the United States the new form of dialogue – “second track diplomacy” was established in Washington on April 9, 2007.


Citizens Want Canada to Play a Much Bigger Role on the Global Stage

A group of randomly recruited citizens from the Ottawa-Kingston region spent an intense weekend exploring a vision for Canada's role in the world. The weekend dialogue is part of Canada's World- a unique citizen-led initiative under the auspices of The Simon Fraser University's Centre for Dialogue. Canada's World is a three-year national initiative that asks ordinary Canadians from all walks of life to share their thoughts, concerns and dreams about Canadian foreign policy.


Turkey needs more effective media to reach out to Central Asia

The policies of sovereign, powerful states like the UK, the United States, France, Germany or Russia are supported through their television channels. When considering the fact that national TV channels are used as flagships, in terms of cultural relations, and even the target audience does not speak their language, the need and advantage of a similar policy appears for us. Such TV series to be broadcasted in the concerned countries without dubbing have pivotal importance in making the Turkish language and culture more prevalent in those countries.


The Pope’s Geopolitical Agenda

It is inevitable that Benedict's movements on the international stage will be compared with his predecessor's. John Paul had a finely tuned sense of how to shape world opinion through the mechanism of politics. Benedict is hoping that his broader philosophical themes will be applied to the politics of the day.



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