A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

World watches presidential contest

With seven months left before November, Americans may already be growing weary of this year's presidential contest. But people in Africa, Asia, Europe and the rest of the world are avidly following the ups and downs of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain, international experts say.


U.S Military Expands Role in West Africa

The activities of Africa Partnership Station, both onboard and onshore in West Africa, reveal the shape of future US military relations with Africa.


US General Says No Plans for Africa Command HQ in Africa

The head of the new U.S. military command for Africa says the United States has no plans to move its headquarters to an African location once it becomes a full-fledged command in October.


Olympic Chief Vows Free Speech Defense

Calling freedom of expression an absolute human right, the president of the International Olympic Committee said that athletes at the Summer Games in Beijing would be allowed to speak without restriction at some Olympic sites and that he had insisted that Chinese officials begin fully enforcing a new media law that promises journalists full access in China.


U.N. chief to skip Beijing ceremony

The United Nations secretary general has joined a growing list of high-profile leaders who have indicated they will not attend the Olympic Games' opening ceremony in Beijing, as the troubled torch relay moved to Argentina on Friday.


Cuts Will Weaken Our ‘Soft Power’

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade faces a $109million budget cut at the very time Kevin Rudd sees a more prominent role for Australia on the world stage. The cuts promise to undermine the Prime Minister's new "soft power" diplomatic strategy, proclaimed during his current world trip.

Tags: soft power, australia

Incredible India@60 makes waves in Singapore

Singapore is the only overseas location, other than the United States, where Incredible India@60 celebrations have been organised. The reason is that it is India’s strategic and business ally in the region. It is India’s gateway to the whole south-east asian region as well as the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).


Americans Go A-Wooing

Military meets public relations as the U.S. military travels West Africa to persuade suspicious African governments to welcome America's planned Africa Command (AFRICOM.)



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