A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Commentary: Prejudice cannot take the place of facts

As the truth about Lhasa riots has been brought to light and the violence by Tibet separatists came under condemnation of international community, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others have proposed a resolution, urging the Chinese government to "end its crackdown" in Tibet and "enter into a substantive dialogue" with Dalai Lama.


Beijing Olympic official strongly condemns disruption of torch relay in Paris

A Beijing Olympic official has strongly condemned the disruption of the Olympic torch relay in Paris by a very small number of "Tibet independence" secessionists and a handful of so-called human rights-minded NGO activists.


Chinese Student Shares Positive Experiences at Duke University

“I would say that studying in the United States is an eye opening process. You got to be proactive and you got to take initiatives. There are so many wonderful resources lying quietly in every corner of the university that you are attending and you have to really be the person who can take initiatives to find them out and take advantage of these resources.”


Olympic torch protests chagrin many Chinese-Americans

For decades, the Chinese community in San Francisco has been broadly divided between mainlanders and the numerically smaller but more prosperous and influential Taiwanese, who are traditionally critical of the Communist regime in Beijing. Yet, many Chinese-Americans including Taiwanese like Yuan support the Games and denounce the human rights protests reflects the power of ethnic pride over politics – but also a shift in the diaspora's attitude toward Beijing in recent years.


Olympic Torch Arrives in the U.S.

The Olympic torch arrived in San Francisco this morning amid heightened security concerns and a suggestion from Olympic organizers that disruptive protests could put the rest of the round-the-world relay at risk. Following the torch's chaotic journey through Paris yesterday, International Olympic Committee Chairman Jacques Rogge said in Beijing he was "deeply saddened" by how the symbolism of the journey had changed from one of world unity to one of division and protest.


Congressional Hearing on Virtual Worlds Simulcast in Second Life

Participation in Internet-based virtual worlds is growing planetwide, and citizens (called avatars) from Second Life, one of the popular multiverses, have started showing up in real life - most recently in the chambers of the U.S. House of Representatives....A broad range of educational, scientific, nonprofit, cultural and governmental groups have embraced virtual worlds.


Savvy to leap forward

When asked about [Australian Prime Minister] Rudd, Chinese people smile and acknowledge "ta shi Zhongguo tong", he's a China expert. But what will Rudd leverage for Australia through his expertise and popularity in China? What is his strategy not just for engaging China - he already has China's attention - but to allow Australia to benefit from the relationship?...Rudd's election, and his China-savvy skills, provide Australia with a clear opportunity for differentiation from its prime ally.


Zogby: 70% Believe IOC Was Wrong to Award Olympic Games to China

Survey finds 48% believe U.S. political officials should not attend the opening ceremony due to China's poor human rights record.



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