A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Africa Command: Challenges and Opportunities

More than just an administrative change, AFRICOM was the direct result of Africa's increasing strategic importance to the U.S. and represents responsible officials' recog­nition that the U.S. can no longer address the region's unique security concerns by splitting responsibility among three independent combatant commands.


Power of symbolism

Israel can kill 1,000 terrorists but still lose the Mideastern war of symbols.


Language Classes Popular in America’s Public Schools

The training students are receiving at Kent Gardens — and in similar language immersion schools across the country — will help them to communicate more effectively not just in their own American polyglot, but in the 21st century's increasingly global village.


Islam and Cultural Diplomacy

Thursday, March 20th 2008 marks five years since ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ was launched. It has been five years of a “crusade” against an “axis of evil,” and five years of mounting anti-Western sentiments. With rising negative predisposition in both the Muslim community, especially in the Middle East, against the United States and the West at large, and the growing image of the United States as anti-Islam, the present atmosphere is dismal.


Half of Europeans see US as having negative influence on world affairs

The rift in transatlantic relations is deeper than previously thought, with almost half of Europeans seeing the US as having a negative influence on world affairs and a third of US citizens seeing Europeans as “snobbish”, according to a survey by the British Council, the British government’s agency for cultural diplomacy.


War on Terrorism Requires More Than Military Force, Expert Says

The single biggest thing the United States can do to defeat global terrorism is to recreate the U.S. Information Agency, a public-diplomacy entity that was dissolved in 1999, Nagl said. "This war is primarily a war of ideas; secondarily an economic war; and third, a military war," Nagl explained. "We have not, I don't think, put the proper emphasis on economic development and on the power of ideas and education."


Rae set to push for fresh approach to foreign affairs

Mr. Rae proposes a reinvigorated Foreign Ministry that can work with other governments to bring about policy changes that work in Canada's favour. This is a central tenet of constructive engagement. "It means that you want to be in other countries' policy debates in a constructive instead of critical way," said Richard Nossal, head of the Department of Political Studies at Queen's University in Kingston.


Five years on: media’s role in Iraq

This fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq offers a chance to look at how the US media has portrayed the war. Mostly they have done well, but they've also played an unwitting role in the subtle battle to influence public opinion.



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