A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Get the UN message out there

Think of the United Nations and you think of those huge imposing meeting rooms where international delegates gather to talk about global peace and security. But the UN is more than just the Security Council, says Carmel Mulvany, head of its Works Program, which raises awareness about the UN's work on critical global matters.


With Repression in Tibet, Rethink Olympics

The United States should let American athletes compete in Beijing; they've worked hard for it. But America's political leaders should think twice about the serious "public diplomacy" impact of their appearances at the Games.


America’s election; the world’s concern

With Americans participating in what is the longest presidential race in history, the United States' primaries have also earned the rapt attention of people around the globe. By learning how overseas publics are reacting, the candidates can get a preview of the diplomatic challenges the next president will face, and see how the campaigns, in their own way, might help improve America's standing in the world.


New board requires Sh300m to market Kenya

A policeman guards tourists as they queue at the Moi International Airport in Mombasa when violence erupted after the December elections. The new tourism corporation is expected to revive the sector that had been affected adversely, leading to job losses and reduction of foreign earnings.


McCain’s Trans-Atlantic Trip Appears to Serve Domestic Purpose

The trip is being called a fact-finding mission for the Armed Services Committee, but "this visit has more to do with domestic politics in the US than anything else," said Josef Braml, a US-expert at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), an independent foreign-policy think tank. "It is more for McCain to demonstrate his foreign policy credentials -- that he can talk to Europeans," he said. "That is the message they want to drive home to the domestic audience."


War in Iraq Badly Damages US Image Internationally

The image of the United States has suffered as a result of the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein. Opinion surveys show international approval of the United States at all-time lows. VOA's Michael Bowman reports from Washington, America's continued involvement in Iraq remains a major irritant in global perceptions of the United States.


Iran’s Global Ambition

While the United States has focused its attention on Iranian activities in the greater Middle East, Iran has worked assiduously to expand its influence in Latin America and Africa. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's outreach in both areas has been deliberate and generously funded. He has made significant strides in Latin America, helping to embolden the anti-American bloc of Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua. In Africa, he is forging strong ties as well.


Campaign to Attract Foreign Students to US Shows Results

U.S. officials are calling an ongoing campaign to attract foreign students to American colleges and universities a success. They point to a rise in applications and enrollments as an indication the campaign is working.



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