New CPD Professional Training Courses

CPD Professional Training is a hallmark of our organization, and we're delighted to share the latest updates to our curriculum, spanning an array of topics offered to mid-career diplomats, global communications professionals and others who would benefit from our rigorous, multi-disciplinary and solution-driven courses.

New offerings include:

  • Information Statecraft
  • National Security Communications
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Network Analysis
  • AI & Bots for PD
  • And more!


All of our course offerings can be packaged into a customized program to meet an organization's needs.

Take a look at our updated Course Catalog below (select Full Screen), or download the PDF here.


For over fourteen years, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy has been the go-to program for diplomats, non-state actors, international organizations, scholars and business executives to engage in public diplomacy training. Our unique learning model of dialogue, presentations, simulations, and small group discussions provide participants the tools and skills needed for the practice of public diplomacy. 

For more information, please email Stacy Ingber at