Public Diplomacy: Good News and Bad

There is good news and bad news in the world of public diplomacy. The good news is that respected observers and senior American officials are now paying more attention and trying to develop public diplomacy strategies. The not-so-good news is that they are getting it wrong. And the really bad news is that until America fixes its diplomacy both public and traditional, our national interests will continue to be badly compromised by precisely those institutions most responsible for protecting us. Read More

SAVE MAY 8th!!! The Reinventing Public Diplomacy through Games Contest Awards Ceremony!

Join the USC Center on Public Diplomacy as we cordially announce the awards-recipients of the Reinventing Public Diplomacy through Games Contest! When: May 8th, 2006 3:00-5:00 p.m. PST Where: Davidson Executive Conference Center University of Southern California 3415 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90089-0871 There will also be simulcast of the Awards Ceremony within Second Life! Stay tuned for more details! Read More

Al-Arabiya’s Ratings Lead Increases

The latest monthly television ratings in Saudi Arabia by the independent pollster IPSOS-STAT show al-Arabiya dramatically widening its lead over al-Jazeera as the number one satellite television news outlet for the Middle East. Read More

Public Diplomacy and Branding

Delivered with equal measure of art and science, diplomacy is a non-violent approach to the management of international relations and global issues which seeks to resolve conflict through discussion, negotiation and partnership. The diplomats' brief is unambiguous: to advance or defend their country's political and economic place in the world by the most effective means. That is the purpose, the essence of diplomacy. Read More


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