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Mapping BRICS Media
In their new book Mapping BRICS Media, professors Kaarle Nordenstreng and Daya Kishan Thussu bring together leading scholars—many from the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)—to analyze the impact of BRICS media on global media and communications networks. The BRICS nations, which comprise some of the world’s largest populations and fastest growing economies, are experiencing unprecedented growth in their media landscapes, resulting in a global media shift from the west towards the rest. This comprehensive anthology seeks to understand and explore the shifts in global media by unpacking the media landscape and journalism practices within the individual BRICS nations, as well as analyzing emerging inter-BRICS media relationships. Mapping BRICS Media is divided into three sections and contains 12 chapters:
Introduction: Contextualizing the BRICS Media Daya Kishan Thussu and Kaarle Nordenstreng
Part I: Debates and Concepts
- BRICS as a New Constellation in International Relations? Jyrki Käkönen
- How Coherent is the BRICS Grouping? Colin Sparks
- The BRICS Formation in Reshaping Global Communication: Possibilities and Challenges Yuezhi Zhao
- The BRICS as Emerging Cultural and Media Powers Joseph Straubhaar
Part II: Media Systems and Landscapes
- Brazil: Patrimonialism and Media Democratization Raquel Paiva, Muniz Sodré and Leonardo Custodio
- Russia: Post-Soviet, Post-Modern and Post-Empire Media Elena Vartanova
- India: Multiple Media Explosions Savyasaachi Jain
- China: Power Dynamics Across Four Historical Stages Zhengrong Hu, Peixi Xu and Deqiang Ji
- South Africa: A Free Media Still in the Making Viola Candice Milton and Pieter J. Fourie
Part III: Comparative Perspectives
- BRICS Journalists in Global Research Svetlana Pasti, Jyotika Ramaprasad and Musawenkosi Ndlovu
- Intra-BRICS Media Exchange Herman Wasserman, Fernando Oliveira Paulino, Dmitry Strovsky and Jukka Pietiläinen
- Digital BRICS: Building a NWICO 2.0? Daya Kishan Thussu
Kaarle Nordenstreng is Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Tampere, Finland. He is author or editor of over 30 books in English, most recently Communication Theories in a Multicultural World (co-edited with Clifford Christians, 2014).
Daya Kishan Thussu is Professor of International Communication at the University of Westminster in London. He is author or editor of 16 books, including Communicating India’s Soft Power: Buddha to Bollywood (2013) and the April 2014 issue of CPD Perspectives: De-Americanizing Soft Power Discourse, and is the Managing Editor of the journal Global Media and Communication.
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