New Issue of PD Magazine: Crisis Diplomacy

Public Diplomacy Magazine announces the release of its Summer 2016 issue: “Crisis Diplomacy."

This issue includes a mix of features, case studies, perspectives and interviews exploring how three groups of actors mitigate and resolve crises: nongovernmental organizations, government entities and cultural actors. Beginning with a look at the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the Carter Center, the magazine examines how proactive preparation and discussion might minimize negative impacts of crisis situations. The section on government entities, which offers insights from the director of the Peace Corps, the former acting director of Voice of America, and the former Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the UN, takes a more reactive approach to crises. Lastly, the magazine unpacks how non-traditional actors such as Conflict Kitchen and the arts initiative One Common Unity harness culture to address and raise awareness about crises. 

The publication is available here.