This new video explores the history of the Venice Biennale, a 120-year-old international art festival held every two years in Venice, Italy. Also known as the “Olympics of Art,” this film takes viewers on a crash-course...
KEEP READINGSarah Smith Looks Back on Her CPD Semester
In this new video from CPD, Sarah Smith, the Canada-U.S. Fulbright Research Chair in Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California, shares her experience during her semester at the university. Smith taught a course in the Master of Public Diplomacy Program on North American visual arts and international relations. Her class examined both objects of art—such as paintings, sculptures and immersive installations—and the cultural institutions that circulate art, including embassies, museums and private galleries, in order to extrapolate the role of visual arts in international relations. Smith is also a public diplomacy scholar, and is currently working on a research project that examines the role of art in transnational communications between Canada and the United States.
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