international exchanges
Human rights remain one of top global concerns in the era of globalization. But given the different views of different countries on human rights protection, how can we effectively promote human rights worldwide? The answer should be adherence to dialogue, exchanges, cooperation and coordination, because neither criticism nor confrontation is conducive to promoting global governance on any issue.
The United States State Department’s Premier Leadership Programme is designed to expose international leaders in their field to the work done by their American counterparts. The theme of the exchange was centered on the sustainable use and management of ocean resources and numerous meetings and information exchanges were held with various governmental, non-governmental and industry partners.
When students study abroad, they add a global perspective to their education, and they experience the personal growth that comes from living in a new culture. The College of Engineering has been working to promote and support study abroad experiences and international exchange programs for its students.One of these programs is an exchange program with Aarhus University in Denmark. In the fall, six engineering students and four students from the Sam M. Walton College of Business will be spending a year at Aarhus, while three Danish students come to the U of A.

A New York residence for graduate students brings together people of all nations and cultures.

The billions spent in educating Saudi women will be another country’s gain.