Twitter Profiles of World Leaders

Twiplomacy 2017: How World Leaders Use Social Media

With the ever-growing influence of social media on our day-to-day lives, it is not surprising that world leaders have made it an important part of their engagement with the public. Pope Francis issues tweets in nine different languages, while President Trump ranks at the top of world leaders in terms of engagement. But what does this mean for diplomacy? How do these new ways of getting out a message translate to changes in our world?

Burson-Marsteller's latest "Twiplomacy" study looks at the activities of world leaders on different forms of social media. According to them, "This worldwide embrace of online channels has brought with it a wave of openness and transparency that has never been experienced before. Social media provides a platform for unconditional communication, and has become a communicator’s most powerful tool."

The full study is available here on the Twiplomacy website.

Photos Compiled via Twitter