
African countries, today, are exerting every effort to overcome the challenges they face with their own resources and through their one mechanisms. Turkey is an ardent supporter of African solutions for African issues. [...] Humanitarian diplomacy is one of the main components of Turkey’s approach towards Africa. Hosting the first-ever United Nations World Humanitarian Summit on 23-24 May is a clear sign of Turkey’s outstanding position in this field. 

As a competitive contender to be one of the world’s top tourist destinations in the coming years, Morocco has redeveloped its brand to specifically target the wider, English-speaking audience and further showcase the cultural diversity and historical vibrancy of its country. In cooperation with Spring, a strategic communications design agency based in the UK, the Moroccan National Tourist Office (MNTO) launched the Much Morocco campaign targeted at the English- speaking market. 

Dr Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, the Minister of Trade and Industry, on Wednesday launched the 2016 Diplomatic Fair and reminded African countries on the need to partner diplomatic missions to develop their economies. [...] Speaking at the launch in Accra, Mr Spio-Garbrah said the idea of the Diplomatic Fair should also allow Ghanaian businesses to enquire from embassies that would participate about how they could assist the local businesses to operate in their countries.

Kenya has been recognized for its aggressive campaign to position itself as the best destination for trade, tourism and investment through its initiative "Make it Kenya". The country received the Best Place or Nation Brand [...] in Dubai. The award follows extensive campaign by Brand Kenya that was initiated to revive the image of the country following several terror attacks that kept away investors and tourists therefore affecting the country's economy.

Held at the African Union headquarters on 19 and 20 May, this is the latest in a series of such seminars as FIFA works to implement a global licensing system, [...] “Through these seminars, we are seeking to extend our club licensing initiatives by sharing best practices with the goal of improving the standards of professional football and developing the game on the African continent. These efforts are at the heart of FIFA’s mission.”

On the heels of Wakaa the Musical hitting the London stage, Wakaa's executive producer and Terra Kulture boss, Bolanle Austen-Peters has said the musical has great potential to boost cultural diplomacy and promote our cultural heritage abroad. She made this known during a briefing with the press ahead of Wakaa's opening in theatres in London.

After the collapse of the Soviet empire, Russia has steadily shown interest in many spheres, ranging from political consultations through business and economic cooperation to culture with African countries. Of a special focus, Russia attaches significance to deepening trade and investment cooperation with Africa
