arab women

Seventeen women from six Arab countries discussed challenges and new trends in diplomacy during a weeklong seminar organized by the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry in association with leading research center The Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI).

With constitutions in many countries being rewritten or reframed, there's a chance to enshrine those aspirations into law. The British Council has been working for many years with Middle Eastern partners to improve women's access to education and economic benefit...

The campaign is perhaps the largest and most genuinely grass-roots campaign by Saudi women to demand one of the many rights they are denied in this country, which severely restricts female independence.

Hammamet will host, from July 1 to 7,the third edition of the “Arab Youth Dialogue Program on Women”. The event is held as part of Tunisia’s presidency of the Arab Women Organization , in the person of Mrs. Leila Ben Ali, and the celebration of the 2010 Year of Youth.