The conference was opened with a welcome speech from the Advisor to HM the King and Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Derasat, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar, in which he described a strategic triangle, Iran, the GCC and the USA that defines the current balance of regional security.
The Ambassadress spoke about the Kingdom of Bahrain and current developments in the various political and economic aspects and investment opportunities and the effective, positive role of Bahraini women and ample opportunities in various spheres.
The one-month festival, under the slogan 'Thinking, embodiment, modernisation', aims to attract youngsters and promote culture through stage shows and musical events. A large number of Bahrain intellectuals, musicians, writers and thinkers will take part in the opening ceremony at Block No 338 in Adliya at 7pm.
Rendered razor sharp against a blurred background, the small flowers of late summer burst with reality. These are discrete examples of meadow flowers that our eyes usually gather in flattened focus massively and whole.
The Al Khalifa family...hoped the race would reverse its public diplomacy fortunes and once again depict the Kingdom as a progressive (in relative terms of course) financial, cultural and sports center. It tried to put to replace the images of political repression from a year ago. Instead, it only updated them.
Then the question is going to come up, people said this is sport and not politics, but everyone knows the sport is part of any public diplomacy program that any country takes these days, especially like the Olympics - the UK is going to benefit from the Olympics to promote the culture, the politics, what have you.
Groups, agencies such as Amnesty International have the capacity to perform the role of soft power. Soft power functions well in democratic and transparent political systems. I am afraid to say that in systems such as Bahrain or others, soft power does not play a role in deciding policy.