barack obama

President Obama has an opportunity to revive relations with Warsaw and reaffirm that Poland is one of America’s closest allies. During his visit, he must not only strike the right tone, but also advance policy initiatives to demonstrate the enduring value of the U.S.–Polish relationship.

May 25, 2011

Judith McHale’s departure from her position as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs presents an opportunity not only to appraise her tenure, but also to consider the future direction of U.S. public diplomacy.

There has been some criticism of Obama being long on rhetoric and short on specifics, but that is what public speeches are all about. They are supposed to appeal to our hearts, not our heads....This is the very essence of "soft power".

President Barack Obama paid a joyful visit Monday to the small Irish village where his great-great-great grandfather once lived and worked as a shoemaker, endearing himself to the Irish populace, and in turn perhaps to millions of Irish-American voters in the United States.

He's the US professor who moves between academia and politics with ease, and whose term 'soft power' defines diplomacy in the Obama era. Mary Dejevsky wonders why Britain doesn't have its own Joe Nye

US President Barack Obama says the US has opened a "new chapter" in diplomacy after the Arab Spring uprisings People in countries across the Middle East have been giving the BBC their reactions to his speech.

Still Obama allied America with those Arabs and Iranians thirsting for freedom, and he did so in a subtle but remarkable way. He invoked, as he so often does, the civil-rights movement. Not World War II, where American power served the cause of freedom.

May 19, 2011

Philip Seib notes for The Huffington Post that President Obama faces numerous obstacles as he attempts to "reset" US-Arab relations. According to Seib, the president needs to focus on key issues if he wants to establish a credible relationship with the Muslim world
